
“Not to Papeete Christmas“. Andrea Orlando of the P.S, invited by Lilli Gruber to Half past eight in La7, it turns sideways Matteo renzi, and most are still shaking after the turbulence at the beginning of the week and the trap, escaped, in Me. “Giuseppe Conte apologize for the plan Recovery Fund or Italia Viva takes away your confidence“Renzi made it clear a few hours ago, in an explosive interview in the Spanish newspaper The country.

“The P.S Who is he with, with Renzi or with Conte? “Gruber asks Orlando.” The Pd is with the Pd, Renzi’s words were incorrectAll the more so because you arrive on the day of the European Summit on the Recovery Fund. We believe that in recent months a credibility has been restored at a European level that should not be burned with fights and disputes. The corrections are one thing, the rustic chivalry is another. “” The tones are transcending – warns the former Minister of Justice – and we are going in a direction that is not at the height of this stage. ” “Papeete di Natale”: “When you step on the gas you know where to start and nobody knows where it ends“A bit like what happened to Matteo Salvini in July 2019. A forceful retaliation for Renzi: being compared to the leader of the League, the same one who did everything, even supporting Count-bis, not to let him go alone to the government.