I read the encyclical “All brothers“of French Pope. I read it with absolute passion and in the course of reading I have moved More and more times. Not only because of the extraordinary words it contains, because of its strength and beauty, but above all because this work is so universal, so inclusive and revolutionary, which once again confirms the pure soul of this Pope Francis is truly “brother of all”, his great humanity will remain forever in history and should make us reflect for a long, long time on what really matters in this world. .
I surprise myself when I speak of a man of the Church with this passion, with this sincere admiration. The history of Christianity has accustomed us to characters of dubious transparency, to men increasingly attracted by the vocation to power, than by the common good and mercy. Too many have embraced the belief that being close to God meant feeling omnipotent, being holders of anachronistic privileges and exclusive rights. And precisely because of the lack of inclusiveness, that deep division has been created between the clerical world and ordinary people, that short circuit that has alienated many people from the very idea of religion.
I am among them. I have always preferred to place my trust in the human being as such and not in what he would like to represent. Here because i trust of Francis, of his sincere concern for this world, of his sincere Christian vocation, of his dedication to the cause of equality and fraternity among peoples. When a man manages to speak so simply and directly to the heart, by transcending everything he represents, he wishes to be understood by all, without distinction of culture, skin color, religion and sexual orientation, then it can really be considered – as Pope Francis himself recalled – “Pontiff, that is, who builds bridges, with God and among men”.
A revolutionary, not by chance named after another great revolutionary of the Catholic Church, San Francisco and on it builds this extraordinary encyclical. The Pope draws lessons from the life of Saint Francis, considering him an example of inclusion and fraternity. Two fundamental characteristics not only to define himself as a true Christian, but above all as a true man.
About him he writes: “It was a fruitful father who gave rise to the dream of a fraternal society. Invite a love that leaves beyond the barriers geography and space. “And these are not just well-written words, but they really represent the modus vivendi of this Pope so close to reality, of this man so eager for social peace that precisely because of his openness to the world, including other religious and sexual orientations, he was even accused of being a heretic, his ideas were seen as a threat to the stability of the institution of the Church. Or perhaps, much more simply, they forced many to deal with too many scandals with impunity and with growing disaffection for the Church.
This Pope has restored what should be the priorities of all religion. Social equality and respect For others, for example, they are fundamental concepts that Francis has courageously pursued since the beginning of his pontificate: “Certain parts of humanity seem dispensable for the benefit of a selection that favors a human sector worthy of living without limits.” […] Wealth has increased, but no equity, and then what happens is that ‘new misery is born’ “.
Opens an interesting chapter on globalization technology and social networks. The words Francesco uses to describe the current are harsh but incredibly true. alienation of which we are victims, but it goes further by stating that “there is a need for physical gestures, facial expressions, silences, body language, and even perfume, handshakes, redness, sweat, because all this speaks and is part of the communication Human. Digital relationships, which dispense with the effort to cultivate friendship, stable reciprocity and also a consensus that matures over time, have the appearance of sociability. They don’t really build an ‘we’, but they generally disguise and amplify the same individualism which is expressed in xenophobia and contempt for the weak. The digital connection is not enough to build bridges, it is incapable of uniting humanity ”. A lucid thought, anchored to reality and even secular.
Your position in the migrants and on how vulgar politics tends to minimize a very serious condition: “Both from some populist political regimes and from liberal economic positions, it is argued that the arrival of migrants should be avoided at all costs. At the same time it is argued that it is worth limit help to poor countries, so that they hit rock bottom and decide to adopt austerity. One does not realize that behind these abstract and difficult to sustain statements, there are so many torn lives. Many flee from war, from chases, of natural disasters. Others, with full rights, seek opportunities for themselves and their families. They dream of a better future and want to create the conditions for it to happen ”.
Emblematic of this conviction is the choice to place in St. Peter’s Square – in honor of World Migrants Day – the Monument to the Migrant “Unsuspecting Angels”, a work of extraordinary evocative power, created by the Canadian sculptor Timothy schmalz which represents, in real size, a group of migrants and refugees, coming from different cultural and racial origins and also from different historical periods. All close, tight, shoulder to shoulder, standing on one raft, with faces marked by the drama of flight, of danger, of the uncertain future.
Another book would be necessary to describe in great detail the depth of this Encyclical, which cannot be considered a simple religious text, but rather a broad, lucid and at times. ruthless about reality, accompanied by the goodness and great humanity that distinguish this delightfully atypical pope, who refuses to wear designer shoes and chooses to wear the silver cross around his neck that he wore when he was bishop in Argentina.
This man represents a great man for the modern Church. opportunity, the opportunity to truly and sincerely approach others, without unnecessary luxuries and with an open heart. An opportunity that we really hope does not go to waste. In this historical period, Pope Francis is a symbol of resistance, of peace and beauty. And God (or whoever it is for him) knows if we need it!
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