MASSA – «I am happy that this operation has started, we expected it and it also arrived a little earlier than expected. This gives us great pleasure and we count on it a lot. So far we have tried to limit the damage, doing everything possible to save lives. Dr. Guido Bianchini, the first Apuan to receive the Pfizer-Biontech covid vaccine, does not hide his excitement.

«Now – highlights the doctor – let’s take an important step: let’s move on to prevention, to prevent people from getting sick. How do I feel after the vaccine? Very well. I’ll be on guard tonight, I’ll spend the night Therefore, I must necessarily feel good. Bianchini is the head of the Apuan hospital’s covid department and for many months he has been fighting on the front lines to help the hundreds of hospitalized patients. Among them, today there are also three medical colleagues, whom Bianchini, visibly moved, wanted to remind: «One of them is in intensive care. They are fighting on the other side of the fence after being by my side all these months.