The electronic register, the sanctioned teachers of Catania win the appeal. There is no obligation. – School News


On the history of the professors of the Quirino Maiorana Institute of Catania strongly sanctioned by the director for refusing to use the electronic register, there is an important novelty: in fact, these days, in fact, the Labor Judge of Catania has examined the first two means. of one of the teachers involved giving full reason to the defense thesis and demanding that the school administration annul two disciplinary measures, a censorship and a suspension from service for two days.

The judge, in the first place, points out that the current provisions on electronic registration contained in Decree Law 95/2012 must be understood as merely programmatic, since the dematerialization plan provided for by law has not yet been adopted by the Government.

The Magistrate also highlighted a very important aspect, noting “the nature of the aforementioned record as a public document that as such must be filled out in class and upon the occurrence or completion of the events and outcomes recorded in it, with the consequence that in the meantime the writing Electronic of the same can be considered collectible and mandatory since the school is equipped with a network and adequate connections, as well as hardware that allows the teacher to operate in real time “.

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In other words, the electronic record must be completed in real time and therefore the Administration must train teachers to comply with the obligation, providing them with the necessary equipment and essential infrastructure (Internet connection).
The judge also specifies that in these conditions any resolution of the collegiate bodies is completely irrelevant; that is to say, in the absence of the essential conditions, the use of the electronic registry cannot in any case be considered mandatory.

Our initial report of the events, in January 2018, was contested by the school principal Elvira Corrao; Objection to which we responded by proposing considerations completely similar to those contained in the judgment of the Catania Labor Judge.

In truth, the question is not completely concluded because the teachers sanctioned for the first time with a censorship were 6; Subsequently, 5 of them were again sanctioned with suspension of service for two days and after some time the manager even decided to use a 10-day suspension against them.
All the measures have been challenged and the outcome of the appeals is now awaited.
But now the way is marked and it is almost certain that even the next few sentences will be in favor of the teachers.
Meanwhile, Elvira Corrao has left the Maiorana Institute, which is now headed by a new director who has managed to regain that climate of trust and collaboration in the school that had ended the litigation of the electronic registry.
