The early squeeze on Monday, October 12?


Three hours of meeting at the Palazzo Chigi after the Civil Protection bulletin reported 5,724 new cases and 29 deaths and a hypothesis in the field: that of anticipating the Dpcm that will contain a new closure with a curfew and closure on Monday 12 October. The decision has not yet been officially made, but the government intends to intervene as soon as possible: and “coexistence”, that is, parties, events, ceremonies and clubs, will end up in the crosshairs.

New Dpcm: the early squeeze on Monday October 12?

The new hypothesis in the field is to close public places at midnight, a measure that would somehow protect at least restaurants from excessive repercussions. Together we try to reshape smart work to reduce the movement of people. This is a strategy that will be accompanied by other measures, not necessarily anti-movement. And that will be shared with the local authorities, given that before the final ok there will be a meeting with the regions to avoid or minimize the controversy. In detail, the measures under study are the following:

  • ban on contact sports, including amateurs
  • stop drinking alcohol after 9 pm
  • close meetings in front of the premises
  • closing of public shops at 24
  • total blocking of parties in public or private places
  • limitations on the number of guests at events such as weddings, baptisms and confirmations
  • incentives for smart work
  • possible reduction of public transport capacity, today to 80%

This last point is still under discussion as the implementation of the others could make it unnecessary. On the contrary, there is also talk of a reduction to ten days of the quarantine of those who come into contact with the positives. The logic that guides the measures is the one explained yesterday by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, during the summit. That is, the contagion currently occurs mainly among family and friends, so it is necessary to limit contacts. On the other hand, yesterday’s figures speak for themselves: new infections are 5,724 (compared to 5,372 the day before) while they reach 133,084 swabs performed (new record, but we have explained that the connection is valid to some extent). Deaths 29. On the other hand, there are only three more patients in intensive care and 390 in total, 250 more hospitalized (in total 4,336). But above all, as already reported yesterday, the situation is rapidly accelerating in Lombardy, with 1,140 new positives, while the rate of contagion in Campania slows: yesterday 664 new positives.

Prohibition of private parties and places closed at midnight.

With these numbers, the government is considering, among other things, the hypothesis of a strong recommendation that masks also be used in homes if in the presence of non-partners, in addition to the prohibition of private parties and the confirmation of the limitation of attendance to congresses and events. public indoors (maximum 1,000 people outdoors if conditions permit). An exception to these limitations might be possible for some theaters, such as La Scala in Milan and San Carlo in Naples, with a percentage of capacity compared to the already indicated number of maximum 200 spectators. Republic He explains today that at the end of the summer the CTS had already reasoned about the possibility, but had not chosen this path: the subjects in isolation were few, prudence “cost” it contained sacrifices. The situation has now changed and that is why the reduction could be fundamental:

Now entire sectors, and many families, due to the school, could be at risk of paralysis. Reducing the quarantine, among other things, could also limit the number of swabs performed, because in several cases it could be decided not to test the “contacts” at the beginning and end of isolation, but only once at the end of the ten days.

the Corriere della Sera He explains that to avoid gatherings, citizens will be prohibited from parking in front of bars, restaurants and pubs from 9 pm to 6 am.

While the controls on the use of masks are reinforced, the government wants to avoid aggregations. So you can stay inside the premises, following the guidelines already approved, but not stand outside unless you are sitting at the table. The sanctions imposed would be the same as those provided for those who walk without covering their nose and mouth: a fine of 400 to 1,000 euros.

And according to the newspaper, the tightening of public transport could reduce capacity to 50%. Meanwhile, the government wants to urge an increase in controls to respect distance rules for both those who are sitting and those who are standing.

The anticipated government squeeze?

According to AdnKronos, on the other hand, the intention would be to carefully evaluate the new measures, without accelerating the new Dpcm, following the trend of infections and continuing the confrontation with the Regions. Among the hypotheses that have circulated in recent hours, the anti-nightlife regulations such as the prohibition of meetings in front of bars and restaurants, as well as in squares and parks. In addition, stricter rules for private parties and events (weddings) with a number of guests proportional to the capacity of the rooms. Smart work must be implemented.

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“Since May 4 – Speranza said yesterday according to the Ansa news agency – we have only signed regulations that introduced less restrictive measures. With the dl that we approved a few hours ago, for the first time since May 4 we have introduced more measures. This means that we are in a phase change. “And again:” In Paris they have closed swimming pools, gyms and bars; in Madrid in an area of ​​millions of inhabitants you only go out to go to work and school. So today we are a slightly better positioned than these other countries. The Netherlands, which has a third of our inhabitants, has about 5 thousand cases, the same is the Czech Republic. This means – explained the Minister of Health – that we have a small advantage over the others but we cannot make ourselves illusions and now we must be prepared to understand that everyone, the government, the regions and also the people, must raise the level of attention. If we do it immediately, we are in a position to better govern the coming months, in view of the arrival there will be, but unfortunately it is not immediate, responses from the international scientific community in terms of safe vaccines and effective treatments. The question is how we resist at this time. “
