After Angelo Borrelli, Domenico Arcuri will also leave, while Prime Minister Mario Draghi presents the new Dpcm with the measures to limit the spread of Covid and its variants and prepares the ‘battle of the vaccine’.
Arcuri arrives at Palazzo Chigi around lunchtime, drives out of the exit behind the Prime Minister’s office after only half an hour. The sand in the hourglass seems to have ended its run for number one on Invitalia: “Dead man walks,” jokes a minister when answering those who ask if Arcuri, after Borrelli, is close to leaving.
From the Palazzo Chigi they are silent, it is not known if the now former super commissioner saw Draghi, if it was the premier himself who welcomed him. Just minutes after the undersecretaries took office, a message from the prime minister’s staff warns the press that General Francesco Paolo Figliuolo is the new extraordinary commissioner for the Covid emergency, with thanks from the government for “the commitment and the spirit of dedication ”with which Arcuri carried out the task that was entrusted to him in the middle of the emergency, when there were no masks and respirators, intensive therapies were in trouble and the death report did not stop his career.
As for Fabrizio Curcio, Draghi decides alone. But unlike Borrelli’s departure, Arcuri’s was in the air. Today to ask for ‘the head’ was also Forza Italia, at the request of Lega, Fdi and Italia Viva. While the Pd was silent and the M5S was silent, the days when Luigi Di Maio asked that Arcuri not be confirmed as head of Invitalia are long gone. Since then, the water has passed under the bridge, from the number one of the National Agency for the attraction of investments and the development of companies, Arcuri has become the “commissioner of everything”, as his numerous detractors called him.
The Prime Minister changes the ‘protagonists’ to give a new direction to the government’s strategy to combat Covid. An invisible enemy that does not slow down its course, on the contrary. The contagion curve is increasing, Minister Roberto Speranza raises the alarm cry, “the next few weeks will not be easy and we must recognize them for what they are. Because it is the duty of politics and institutions to tell the truth.” .
And the truth leads to confirm the closure, the plays on the chessboard follow the strategy of the Conte government. Draghi meets the control room with the majority forces, the coordinator of the CTS Agostino Miozzo and the president of the Superior Council of Health Franco Locatelli also participate in the summit. The draft of the Dpcm speaks clearly, there is no time to loosen, until April 6 we continue with the hard line, very strong. The game that remains open is that of the schools, one of the most delicate, with the infections that run among the boys, worrying the experts. A new confrontation with the Regions is not excluded before the signing of the decree, which could take place no later than Tuesday or Wednesday.
But if the game pattern remains the same in the anti-Covid measures, at the vaccine level the government, Draghi in the first place, must give a decisive acceleration. Because the exit from the corner to the town passes from there, from the rush to achieve herd immunity as soon as possible. The Arcuri replacement should be read in this regard. Because if it is true that the former ECB number one is pressing for a more incisive response from Europe on the number of doses, it is also true that there are ampoules left in the fridge, unused. A mistake that many consider unforgivable. And that seems that Borrelli and Arcuri paid dearly.