They are decisive hours for the next dpcm: the government is working to develop even more restrictive measures and cope with the second wave of coronavirus infections. After a meeting between the Prime Minister and the Heads of Delegation and after a discussion with the CTS and the Regions, a conference call between Giuseppe Conte, the leaders of the majority group and the opposition: at the center of the discussion precisely the content of the new provision that could be approved within the weekend. In the last draft decreeAccording to rumors, steps are being taken to limit travel and attendance at restaurant services. However, the text is not final and there may still be substantial changes. The first Minister Giuseppe Conte, as told by Daily fact in the newsstands, in the last hours he did not hesitate to say to himself “Very worried” after consultations with members of the Scientific technical committeeOn the one hand, he insists on preaching prudence to avoid a national closure at all costs, on the other, he agrees on the need to reach a greater tightening. Today, in a video message sent to the CNA assembly, he said: “If we don’t protect health, we don’t protect the economy. The next few weeks will be complex ”.
The news for catering services – The executive intends to close catering services on Sundays and holidays and, during the week, go out from 18. On the other hand, catering in hotels and other receptive structures “limited to their customers” would continue to be allowed without time limits. Among the novelties would also be the limit of four people per table, unless everyone lives together. The squeeze is scheduled “as of October 26, 2020” and the catering services activities are: bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries. “After 6 in the afternoon,” says the draft, “the consumption of food and beverages in public places and open to the public is prohibited. On the other hand, “catering with home delivery is always allowed, complying with the hygienic-sanitary regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with take-out food until midnight, with prohibition of consumption on site or in adjacency “. Finally, “continuous dining and catering activities are still allowed on a contractual basis, guaranteeing an interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter, within the limits and under the conditions referred to in the previous period,” he concludes.
Travel – The draft no longer provides for a ban on moving, as was the case with the closure in the spring, but “All natural persons are strongly advised not to travel., by means of public or private transport, in a Municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile, unless there is a proven need for work or study, for health reasons, for situations of need or to carry out activities or use services not suspended and not available in that municipality “.
Pools, gyms and spas – Among the interventions planned in non-essential activities are certainly the closures of swimming pools, gyms and spas. The protocol, updated with even stricter measures just a week ago, is not considered sufficient. The preliminary bill establishes that “the activities of gyms, swimming pools, swimming centers, wellness centers, spas, except for the provision of services included in the essential levels of assistance, as well as cultural centers, social and recreational centers, are suspended; Without prejudice to the suspension of swimming pools and gyms, basic sports and physical activity in general that are carried out in public and private sports centers and clubs, are allowed in compliance with the rules of social distancing and without any encounter, compliance with the guidelines issued by the Sports Office, after consulting the Italian Federation of Sports Medicine (FMSI), without prejudice to the new operational guidelines issued by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, in accordance with art. 1, paragraph 14, of decree-law n. 33 of 2020 “.
The hypotheses on the table and the momentum to strengthen the measures – The main and shared goal is to further limit leisure and travel. For this reason, the most restrictive hypothesis foresees the anticipation of the national curfew and the closure of bars and restaurants at least twenty-one. The discussion is open in the schedule: one of the mediations could be in 22, but there are those who call for a more drastic intervention with the closure at 18 to ensure that citizens travel during the day only to study and work. The most rigorous wing of government no longer excludes a lock, for a limited time of Two or three weeks and with a new massive injection of aid to the economy. From the Palazzo Chigi they announced that the hypotheses are only suggestions, but the request made by the president of Campania Vincenzo De Luca for a national closure may have required a general acceleration. The truth is that the presidents of the region are pressing for more severe interventions, as confirmed by the minister. Francesco Boccia, especially in light of more than 19 thousand infections of the last 24 hours. “I think that in the next few hours in the country it would be necessary to standardize some measures on restrictions to have a more homogeneous behavior,” said the president of the Emilia-Romagna Region and of the Conference of the Regions in the morning. Stefano bonaccini to Generazione Giovani on RaiDue.
Finally, the other big concern is lightening public transport. But it is precisely in transport and schools where a rebound between ministries is taking place that for now has also slowed down the call for the meeting with the hypothesized Regions to harmonize regional measures. Lucía Azzolina is on the barricades in defense of teaching in presence, supported by Luigi Di Maio and the M5: you are infected in buses and subways, not in class, they insist. Paola De Micheli defends the quota measures already adopted and resists pressure from Cinco Estrellas to lower capacity from the current 80%. Of course, a new restriction would lead to a massive strengthening of smart work. But at that point, Democratic sources claim, distance education should also increase, starting from high school. Regarding travel, the opportunity, given the spread of the virus, of intervene preventing the transfer of the Regions: more likely to give directions to limit unnecessary exits as much as possible.
To complicate Conte’s work, there are a diversity of opinions of the majority parties. From Italia viva, which is against the closure but also against the curfew, to Pd and Leu, with Roberto Speranza, who push to intervene immediately and ask the Italians for that greater “sacrifice” that can block the curve and also save Christmas: the Democratic Party is ready to support drastic decisions, is the message of Nicola Zingaretti. The M5 is taking a more cautious stance, but it would be ready for another intervention. The next few hours and, above all, the next data, will be decisive.
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