His act of “civil disobedience” is sparking debate and in many cases even outrage. The coordinated action of some 30-40 people, coming from various provinces of Romagna, is sparking bitter protests. Found for a walk through the forests of Mount Fumaiolo, dressed in the beautiful colors of autumn that, however, could only be legally enjoyed by the citizens of Verghereto, which is the municipality where the summit from which the Tiber rises is located.
At around 9.15 am two patrols from the Verghereto carabinieri blocked the group of hikers. The verbalization intervention, there were so many people, lasted for a couple of hours, with the arrival of other reinforcement patrols from the Forest Carabinieri. Then, after the police intervention, all those present posed for a group photo, strictly without a mask and displaying the report with the complaints.
Where does the freedom of the individual, certainly sacred and protected by the Constitution, to defend the health of the community end? Where does the obligation to respect a rule, even if you disagree with it, end, and to mock it by proudly waving a fine? “We will continue to meet freely. Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the State becomes despotic or, what is the same, corrupt, “he writes on his Facebook page. Francesco Angelo Rosso, who animated the “protest picnic” and published photos of the intervention of the carabinieri. Rosso is the CEO of a Cesena-based company that operates in the food and other natural and alternative products sector.
Red, are you still convinced of this act of disobedience?
“I am convinced that a walk in the forest is not a problem for society or for us, and therefore should not be fined”
You were aware of the prohibition to move from the municipality of residence. Some people also came from outside the province of Forlì-Cesena, from Ravenna and Rimini …
“There are articles of the Constitution that provide for the free movement of people within the country”
The most common protest was: ‘Everyone would like to have a picnic on the mountain, but if the rule is that it cannot be done now, we must all abide by the rule.’ How do you respond to this reasoning?
“In fact, we consider these rules illegitimate”
Illegitimate in the sense that, therefore, you do not consider the coronavirus to be a problem?
“Absolutely not, they are illegitimate rules in the sense that they are contrary to fundamental human rights and the Italian Constitution.”
When you met, were you without masks and without distancing, like a normal outing before the Covid?
It was from different territories, from the provinces of Forlì, Rimini and Ravenna. There were unavoidable contacts between you, a person from Ravenna could potentially have infected another from Rimini, fueling the circulation of the virus. The sense of the rule is to avoid this. Even if you are not afraid for your health, these people could still infect third parties in their respective environments …
“Of course, but the president of the Emilia-Romagna Region, like other illustrious politicians, despite all the precautions that he will surely have taken, is certainly positive, so I do not think this is how the contagion problem is counteracted” .
You said you wouldn’t pay the fines.
“We have said that we will turn to the prefect for considering the decree illegitimate and, consequently, also the fines. If the prefect does not agree, we will appeal to the justice of the peace. If it turns out that we have to pay them, we pay them “
They call you “irresponsible”. They say ‘You can afford to do this because everyone else is following the rules.’ How do you respond?
“I feel that I am much more responsible than the average person who comments, since I take care of my health not to get sick and my medical records show it. I have never used drugs, I am not vaccinated, I have always been careful to eat well, exercise and live outdoors. My responsibility and that of the people who were with me is the basis: our responsibility is before falling ill, we do not intervene only after illness “
Popular question of anger: if the Coronavirus is serious?
“I don’t think it could happen, because I’m healthy”
But if you are healthy and therefore you can afford the effects of the circulation of the virus, there are still people in poor health, the elderly, diabetics, people with overweight, situations that are not necessarily due to having lived badly. Isn’t it an act of selfishness?
“I am a wealthy person, I live in a place surrounded by forest, I have a guaranteed job and the more Covid advances, the more paradoxically I receive orders on the Internet. If I were selfish, I would simply live my well-being, it does not give me an advantage to do an action of this type. I take responsibility and expose myself because I want to express my idea, which is an idea of many, and is that the measures that are being taken are not proportionate to the problem. An important fact is not being considered: that if we want to fight the virus we must start from the immune level, and instead the actions that are decided at the political and media level lead us to constantly lower the immune system, because living in fear lowers the system immunological. Nobody says ‘Get physical’, instead they close the gyms when any doctor would say you need to move ”.
In fact, many doctors say this, and it is a clear fact that staying healthy helps the body deal with the virus with its own personal defenses.
It is clear, but nothing is being done to improve the immune system of Italians, in fact the opposite is being done ”.
But let’s return to the same topic: however, there are those who have a weaker immune system, either due to age or due to health problems and chronic diseases. His walk flaunts good health as if to say ‘I can afford it’.
“I think older people should also go out for a walk in the woods, it would do them enormously, instead of sitting on the couch in front of the television watching the news that terrifies them.”
At their picnic, however, the basic rules were also lacking. Can you enjoy nature and the forest even with a mask or at least with the distance between people?
“We have applied, as mentioned, the measure of taking care of our health at the base, so as not to have problems related to this infection”
What do you think of all the controversy on social networks?
“Right now we live in a huge polarization of ideas, on the one hand those who are terrified by what they are communicating in an oppressive way, and on the other those who have already noticed before or now that there are many things that do not add up.”
He works for a company that specializes in natural alternative products. Was this act of civil disobedience a subtle marketing operation?
“I don’t win anything if people go walking in the forest, the only ones who win are those same people.”