The difficult task of the Lega al Sud is only carried out in one municipality in ten


The League is still from the North. Or at least, the high-risk one. Matteo Salvini’s strategic project, that of transforming the League into a national party, could suffer a serious setback with the next round of regional and administrative. And indeed, the vote in the municipalities, the true test of the innervation of a party in the territories, runs the risk of being lost now. Not so much because of the popular vote, the fact that in the South the League lists are few: of the 376 cities that will vote in the 8 Centrosud counties, Alberto da Giussano will appear in only 36 municipalities. And in some cases, there will only be because part of the center-right has rejected the alliance.

It doesn’t help that, in the Regions that will go to vote on September 20 and 21, there are only two candidates for the Northern League: Luca Zaia, who wins alone, and Susanna Ceccardi from Pisa who tries the bitter challenge with the Tuscan red . As if to say that the attraction effect of the candidate on the list will not be there. But Salvini knows it and for that reason, at least in the regional, he intends to make the complete list of votes with his presence and the electoral campaign at dizzying speed.


In short, it’s only been a year since the glories of summer 2019 but the car moment, the car effect where the car is the winner, looks decidedly pale. It is no longer that anyone wants to join the League. Still, the last few months have been a thread of neglect. It is difficult to balance between inputs and outputs, but the phenomenon can no longer be classified in local complaints as it has been doing for months. In Bari, the former group leader in the municipality Michele Picaro appears today at the regional with the Brothers of Italy, after 108 linkers from Apulia wrote a harsh letter to Salvini to lament the end of the construction of a credible ruling class, prepared and authorized. While the councilors of Monopoli Antonio Rotondo and Francesco Leggiero left the League, as well as the secretary of the city of Andria Benedetto Miscioscia, the councilor of Ostuni Luca Cavallo with a councilor and two deputies. Even if the League convinced the mayor of Foggia Franco Landella to leave Forza Italia.

The competition with FdI

The phenomenon is less conspicuous in Campania, where they left two mayors of Caserta (Luciano Fatigati and Gabriele Piatto) and the entire group of the Samnite league that with Nicola Santamaria passed en bloc to FdI. But precisely in Campania, where the survey published yesterday by Messenger ServiceIt attributes only 3.3% to the League (in the European one last year it was the first game with 19.2%), evidencing the limited presence of the League since the competition for the administration. In fact, the symbol will be present in only six municipalities (out of 85): Giugliano, Ariano Irpino, San Nicola la Strada, Pagani, Angri and Cava de ‘Tirreni (where Matteo Salvini has recently been severely contested). In Calabria, his first provincial councilor in Catanzaro, Azzarito Cannella, left the League to join Forza Italia.

The sovereign pole

The race also lasts in Sicily, where at least a part of the center-right has slammed the door in the face of the League: a symbol not appreciated by Enna, Marsala and Milazzo. While in Agrigento, at least, Lega and FdI run together in a sovereign pole. But in the city of temples the city commissioner Francesco Di Mare and the municipal councilor Nuccia Palermo left the League, while in Siculiana the Salvinians were abandoned by the deputy mayor Domenica Galletto.

August 29, 2020 (change August 29, 2020 | 22:31)

