On Monday, the State Regions conference should settle the final guidelines on reopening schools. In the transport node there are still some questions, but it is possible that we will go towards an exception to the meter of distance to be maintained between students, recommended by the Scientific Technical Committee. Minister De Micheli said that we will start with a capacity of 80%, then we will see according to the progress of the health situation.
Meanwhile, at the largest school in Cremona, the Torriani institute, there are many open questions. Transportation is one, but not the only one: around 80% of the students come from outside the city, with a prevalence from the lower part of Brescia. “This was the issue to think about immediately – says the manager of Torriani, Roberta Mozzi – Schools have been organized on the basis of ‘everyone in the classroom’, but those who organize transport have not. At this point, the transport must be adapted to the needs of the students and not the other way around ”. During the last meeting between the supervisor, the directors, the provincial administration and the TPL agency, the idea of separating the classes to create groups of the same geographical area also came up: “It could have been a good idea, but it had to be organized on time. … Months ago we could have made homogeneous class groups, now with 14 first at the start it is impossible. ”And even double shifts, to give children the opportunity not to travel in crowded buses, seems impossible. The other node is that of the teachers: in a technical-scientific school like this, the lack of mathematics, physics and laboratory teachers is chronic, this year more serious. 39 teachers missing this year, several rankings are exhausted and hopefully in the provincial ones that should be available in mid-September. The question of teachers goes hand in hand with the ‘chicken coop classes’: in this the next school year will not start differently from the others, Covid or not Covid, and in Torriani there are also classes with 31 students.
And then the accountants: “The delivery date has not yet been communicated to us – explains the manager -. I understand that in other schools they will arrive on September 2nd. In past years we had already updated the furniture, we no longer have two-seater benches. In any case, we requested a hundred innovative seats and 250 traditional single-seater benches ”. In this context, the beginning of the school year is even more problematic than usual: “The Regions had the possibility of postponing the start of the lessons – Mozzi concludes – compared to the date of September 14, some have done so, Lombardy has not . It would have been a success, also taking into account that a few days later there will be electoral consultations and as of the 18th we will have to organize the classrooms of the polling stations and they will have to be sanitized for the return … ”. gb
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