The difficult return to “normality” of Covid patients: “Symptoms even after months of hospitalization.” The video-report on rehabilitation


“Stretch your knees well”, “small steps”. These are just some of the indications of the physiotherapist Alessia Felicioni while encouraging Carlo to take a few small steps with the support of a walker. Together with colleagues Marcello Peruzzi, Silvia Sciatta, Michela Tambucci and Giulia Russo, the professional follows the rehabilitation of patients at the Covid center of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital in Rome. In fact, the slow recovery of the sick begins from the ward. Professor Federica Bressi, physiatrist explains: “The goal is to get them out of bed.”

“The rehabilitation began at the same time as the opening of the room,” he explains prof. ssa Silvia Sterzi, Director of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Unit of the Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital. “In addition to preventing the damage caused by bed rest, – he continues – we work to maintain all the patient’s motor skills”. It thus contributes to fight fatigue, or the feeling of physical fatigue and weakness that those affected by the virus usually perceive.

However, not a few patients continue to suffer from health problems even after being negative. Covid19, in fact, we now know, it’s not just a flu. And the difficult recovery of patients who have passed the acute phase of the disease is testimony to this. Thus, even after the negative swab, there are those who resort again to the attention of specialists to treat ailments related to the consequences of the virus in the body.

“Two months after the cure we were able to find a high persistence of symptoms “says Dr. Matteo tosato service manager Post-covid day hospital created by the A. Gemelli IRCCS University Hospital within the Columbus presidium. Currently, the clinic follows 500 patients to monitor what Professor Francesco Landi and the Gemelli Polyclinic research team have called the “post-Covid syndrome.”

The most common symptoms are chronic fatigue, dyspnea, that is, lack of oxygen, chest pain and muscle pain. There is no shortage of cognitive difficulties, depression and even indigestion disorders. The day hospital was literally taken by storm, confesses Dr. Tosato: “The applications to assume the position also arrive on Sunday at eleven at night. Unfortunately there is a need that is not being met and at this time there are about three hundred pending questions. But we are full and there are no places until March ”.
