Federica tells us that Paolo did not want to leave this world that he loved so much and those last moments of life were the most heartbreaking. He fought to the end, convinced that he could do it. Perhaps he also wanted to score a goal for fate, despite the adverse prognosis. He had already achieved it many times in the field. Paolo Rossi’s wife, Federica Cappelletti, 48, a journalist and writer, recalls that shortly before her husband died in her arms on a bed in the Siena hospital, she managed to whisper a phrase to him. “I’m sure you got it,” she says now through tears.
What did she say?
«Know that I will raise our girls and be close to their first son Alessandro, who was by my side at that time. So I told him to take away all my love and that of the children and to try to be well, to be happy forever. We loved each other every day, we were always close. And Paul also reminded me of a message he wrote to me in the last one.
What had he written to her?
«I read the full text:“ Unfortunately I cannot sleep and I am agitated, I look at the photos they send me and I think of our great love. I would just like to thank you for what you are doing, for me and for our wonderful girls. You are truly unique for the energies that you put into it and for the love that you are capable of giving in everything. I hope the Lord can recognize all of this. I give you everything you deserve ”. It was the first time that he hadn’t even talked about himself. There was God, but Paul was gone, although he was consciously sure that he could. The other day I had seen the Juve-Turin derby on TV like a fan.
“No, he was admitted to the neurosurgery room and next to him was the chief doctor Giuseppe Oliveri, the same doctor who operated on Alex Zanardi, a special person. Professor Oliveri this time was not just a doctor with his patient, but a football fan. He supported Turin and Paolo Juventus. They had a lot of fun. ”
When was your husband hospitalized?
“A few days ago, but it all started a year ago, suddenly, during a trip to the Maldives where we had decided to renew our love and get married for the second time, after the 2010 wedding ceremony at the Campidoglio in Rome. They were extraordinary days. Back in Italy, the diagnosis. But it seemed like something absolutely fixable. Then came other problems.
“My husband broke his femur and had back surgery. It was a terrible climb. At our home in Bucine, in the Arezzo province, we tried to overcome problems and he seemed stronger than before. This was the last hospitalization at Le Scotte Polyclinic: he had an orthopedic device, fluid in his lungs, but nothing could have made us think of such a sudden epilogue, no one in the family expected it, not me or my children.
Was it difficult to break the news of your father’s death?
“I came home at night. I hugged them without waking them. And this morning I turned on the television. There were photos and videos of her dad. I told them that Paul is everywhere and that his wonderful memory will always be in their hearts. María Vittoria is 11 years old, Sofía Elena 8. They cried, but they are strong children like their father ».
How did you meet Paolo Rossi?
«In Perugia in 2003, at a presentation of the book” Razza Juve “that he had written together with other fellow journalists. She did not know him personally, but had previously called him to invite him to the presentation. He closed the phone in my face, but then he came, we met. I immediately fell in love with his smile, his generosity, the intelligence with which he could see things. With Paolo, every moment was beautiful and it is not rhetorical. Even these days in the hospital I always saw him handsome, the all-time champion. He faced treatment with courage, rehabilitation with will. Sure, morale dropped at times, but I always tried to pressure him to keep fighting. It was the game of our life, our fateful World Cup. But this time we didn’t win it.
Have you already thought about the funeral site?
«Yes, it will be Vicenza, where he started his career as a champion. After the ceremony he will be cremated and the urn will always be by my side.
December 10, 2020 (change December 10, 2020 | 13:35)