the denier who enters the hospital to record a video, but is sued


“We are in the hospital Ca ‘Foncello de TrevisoIt is Tuesday, November 10, and there is no living soul. Silence “. So the video begins denier published on the Facebook page “Bufona del Estado” that angered the doctors and nurses who work at the Treviso facility, where 116 Covid patients are currently hospitalized. A film similar to many others published on the net, if only this time the denier on duty went even further. After “documenting” the situation outside the hospital (“look, there’s nothing here, zero”), the filmmaker went in for a closer inspection.

The denier bombardment at the hospital: “Hello, everything is empty here, right?”

“Good morning, I was told that you have very few patients in intensive care. Is that true?” asks operators for acceptance. “I am doing services in several hospitals in Italy – he says with a frown – it turns out that the resuscitation is almost empty, the patients are not intubated. The truth is this and you know it well ”.

A trip to the emergency room follows. “Everything is empty here too, look – he repeats framing a screen in the waiting room – the priorities are only 3. Zero emergency”. The denier then resumes his tour of the hospital and goes from hall to hall to the intensive care unit. It matters little that the sick are on the other side of the door. “Here it is,” he says. “All empty”.

treviso hospital 3-2

The director of the Ca ‘Foncello hospital: “We are going to sue the author of the video”

A commitment that the man could pay dearly since Stefano Formentini, director of the structure, announced his intention to sue the author of the video “and those who intend to spread it.”

“We saw some images of the Ca ‘Foncelli hospital in Treviso,” Formentini explains in a video. With great bitterness because in a pandemic emergency we have seen images that tend to undermine the commitment of so many doctors and operators who work in the hospital with great effort every day ”.

“Today the situation at the Ca ‘Foncello hospital in Treviso is serious, but fortunately it is still under control,” says the director of the hospital. We have 116 hospitalized Covid patients, of which 16 in central intensive care because they are very serious, 20 in pulmonology, that is, in semi-intensive care, and the rest in ordinary wards “.

The tour inside Treviso hospital

“We arrived at the infectious diseases pavilion,” says Formentini, documenting the situation in the rooms on a video. In this ward, 45 Covid patients are hospitalized, or 45 patients who need oxygen to breathe ”. “Today is a sad day – explains Gigliola Scattolin, coordinator of the ward, because yesterday someone took the liberty of saying that there are no patients hospitalized for Covid here. I coordinate a ward that has 45 inpatients. If a patient is hospitalized it is because he is sick and needs oxygen. Behind here are workers who work 8-hour shifts in T-shirts and masks. Is not easy. I ask for respect, for those who are sick and for those who work. This is not true because about 10 patients arrive every day in this room. So we don’t try to transfer them to the other structures that have been opened. Age has dropped a lot, so I ask you not to listen to these people. Put on the mask and help us. “

On his tour, the facility manager collects testimonials from doctors and nurses who work closely with Covid patients. by Micaela Romagnoli, Chief of Pulmonology, “the situation is quite serious. We have 20 beds that are occupied at the moment. There is a high turnover of patients, there is a great demand from the emergency services. For this I urge the population to do have be careful, to move as little as possible, to always wear a mask and to respect everything he does ”.

“The ICU is full, we had two deaths this morning”

“Intensive care can normally cure 10 to 12 patients – says Mario Peta, who is in charge of Covid coordination – for 15 days we have constantly had 16 hospitalized patients all with Covid pneumonia. We are at the limit of our possibilities, we have very serious patients. This morning we had two deaths from Covid disease. “

Covid Patient Against Video Denial: “Don’t Believe These Things”

But the most effective response to the denier on duty comes from a Covid patient. A 38-year-old “boy” who is battling the disease. “I don’t know what’s going on out there because for 15 days I’ve been trying exclusively to bring salvation home “ it says in the video. “I would not wish such a thing on anyone and in any case for the type of life and health that I have always had until now I would never have expected it. If they tell you that Covid does not exist or that it is a maneuver carried out by who knows who, I will not Believe it or not. Safety rules are the only ones that can really save your life. “

The video filmed by the hospital management
