Editorial Board
29 December 2020 12:12
In the panorama of the denial of Covid-19, a video made by three known supporters of the Sars-Cov-2 conspiracy was depopulated who, by submitting a kiwi to the rapid test for the detection of coronavirus infection, wanted to demonstrate the lack of reliability of the swabs.
In the images, three operators in white coats can be seen cutting various types of fruit, including a kiwi, subjecting the samples to a swab. After 15 minutes, one of the tests returns a positive result. According to the authors, the “positive kiwi” test would show that we do not know enough about the virus to be able to identify it with a test of this type, since the swab has reacted to other components (evidently present in the kiwi and not in the virus ).
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But as the anti-buff website Butac wonderfully explains, this doesn’t make sense. The test result has no meaning: the quick swab may react to the kiwi in ways that have not been analyzed, for the simple fact that the test is not done to analyze a kiwi, it does not make sense to do it and give some meaning to the Outcome. .
The video is this, we lack other words to comment.
Source: butac →