The dead birds in Rome for the New Year’s barrels


A real massacre of birds in via Cavour in Rome. Images showing hundreds of starlings crashing into the street in the middle of the night are circulating online. The events after midnight, when some passersby reached the last section of Via Cavour, that of Termini station, they found themselves in front of a carpet of dead birds.

Some videos posted on the net show starlings – usually perched in the trees at Termini Station – scared and disoriented by the barrels that now end up against the power lines, now against the windows of buildings and hotels in the city. zone. The result is the carpet of hundreds of dead starlings.

Horror movie scene filmed and posted online by some passersby. This is the case, for example, of Diego Fenicchia who filmed and published the scene, commenting on the following: “Excuse me, but the desire to celebrate has passed. Hundreds of dead birds.” animal lives “.

Some have questioned the veracity of the shots and videos that circulate on the net. Contacted by RomaToday, the author of some of the photos and videos, Diego Fenicchia, confirms what happened last night, witnessing similar scenes also in other parts of the city such as Piazza Indipendenza and Via Nazionale.

The municipal councilor of the M5s commented on the news Daniele diaco who is also chairman of the Environment Commission: “Unfortunately, few have respected the ordinance that prohibited the use of barrels and firecrackers and this is what happened in Rome: hundreds of starlings have died of fear from the detonation. Hopefully with time increases awareness that firecrackers pollute the environment and cause a serious shock to all animals ”.
