“The day they started hating each other.” Suspicion about the secret services – Libero Quotidiano


Why Matteo renzi declared war on Giuseppe Conte? There are those who speak of armchairs (hence the constant shadow of the remodeling that would weaken the prime minister), those of narcissism (the desire to prove to be the most intelligent of all, despite the residual numbers in Parliament but especially outside) . According to Emiliano Fittipaldi, behind the scenes of tomorrowhowever, there would be more. To be precise, the acrimony of the leader of Italy Long Live for the lawyer, it would be born on “a precise date, and it deals with a specific issue: the management of secret services and the ways the prime minister and his associates coordinated some sensitive files. “It all starts in Sep 30, 2019: “The senator from Rignano – recalls Fittipaldi – reads the press review: the New York Times reports, for the first time, of secret meetings between the US Minister of Justice William Barr and the heads of our secret services. “

Greetings, Count.  Woods, political bomb on those responsible: Italia Long live in opposition

We straddle the famous “Giuseppi” from Donald trump and the confidence of Parliament in Conte bis, of which Renzi was the architect. But Barr’s secret trip to Rome alarms the former prime minister, because he is talking about Russiagate and very delicate political and strategic interests, with Putin’s shadow on one side and the risk, later avoided, of a re-election in the White House of Trump (later defeated by the Democrat Joe biden, with which Renzi was among the first to congratulate). In those days, the key witness in the Russiagate-Mifud Papadaopoulos case mentions Renzi, prime minister in 2016, the year of the alleged great plot against Hillary Clinton. A pleasant diplomatic embarrassment, to which Conte would never have responded adequately. Rather. Renzi’s suspicion is that Conte was Trump’s armed wing in Italy, suspecting that the prime minister, with the support of the US president, used the Italian secret services in a “personalist” way together with his trusted Dis director. Gennaro Vecchione.
