the darkest year of commerce and tourism


Covid, 11 thousand stores closed in Rome: the darkest year of commerce and tourism

Eleven thousand businesses closed in 2020 – with the prospect of achieving a reduction of 16 thousand in the first months of next year – 44 thousand fewer jobs, nine billion euros lost in the commerce, tourism and services sectors. The crisis due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 emergency has hit the economy of Rome and its provincial territory hard. Companies in the tertiary sector, which make up 76 percent of all the non-agricultural business fabric of the metropolitan city, are the ones that pay for it. To take the picture of the moment, particularly difficult, are the results of the investigation “Economic newspaper of the province of Rome”, carried out by Confcommercio Roma in collaboration with Format Research.

And themes

“The numbers photograph the situation and must be read for what they are – says Pier Andrea Chevallard, curator of Confcommercio Roma – I would not like to emphasize the drama, but we are certainly in a very difficult situation for companies. The real problem is how we are going to be able to intercept, in 2021, the modest recovery that we will have ”. The discontinued business index shoots up: in the third quarter of 2019 they were 2,747, in the same period of the current year they were 4,522. This is the highest figure in the last five years. The crisis has significantly affected the capacity to produce wealth of companies in the tertiary sector of the Capital: in 2019 companies active in commerce, tourism and services had produced 128 billion in added value, in 2020 the figure will be 119 billion, with a decrease of 6.9 percent.

The employees

The repercussions in the workplace are also strong: the total number of employees in the capital in non-agricultural and non-financial companies is almost one and a half million employees. The weight of the tertiary sector is very high, occupying 82 percent of the total: more than 1.2 million workers. By the end of 2020, however, the commerce, tourism and services businesses in the territory of the Metropolitan City of Rome will lose 44,000 workers, due to the collapse of new hires and the lack of renewal of fixed-term contracts and the like. The change in consumption in Lazio will also be worse than the Italian average, with a drop of 14 percent compared to the national minus 12.5 percent.

The medicines

The sector therefore faces a very delicate crossroads. “It is necessary that today substantial interventions are launched to support commercial companies, allowing them to survive until the end of the emergency – underlines Chevallard – starting with the elimination of the IRAP and supplies for the affected companies in terms of liquidity, essential for do not permanently close the store. Consider, for example, the tragedy of hotels and the entire hospitality system, with tourism reduced to zero and a recovery in the flow of visitors still a long way off, which we expect not before autumn 2021: we can consider a good part already “burned”. the first semester of next year. “According to the Confcommercio Roma commissioner,” we need, with the City Council and the Region, to think of a marketing strategy to intercept future tourist flows and make Rome again a target for activities for congresses, but also for school tourism. “Not to mention” the minimum daily initiatives that the Capitoline administration must implement, such as keeping restricted traffic areas open and promoting mobility in the city. “

Last update: 00:09

