Franco Bechis
Starting tomorrow, the national curfew will begin at 9:00 p.m., prohibiting night traffic except for work or health reasons, and circulation in public transport will be reduced by providing a maximum capacity of 50% that should reduce the risks of current overcrowding. All high schools will be empty, continuing the school year with distance learning for as long as needed. Shopping centers will be closed everywhere on holidays and before holidays. These measures will be applied throughout Italy and will be contained in the new Dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. This is not what is called a lockdown, and the few common measures, particularly those for schools and transportation, seem like common sense. Maybe some rules need to be revised compared to the old dpcm. I will only mention one, small and banal: it is one thing to prohibit those who bring the dog to do their work between midnight and five in the morning from going around the stables, one thing is to do it from nine at night : you cannot ask the animals. so long continence. But they are particular.
In some areas of Italy, however, the measures are intended to be more severe depending on the severity of the epidemic in that context. And here the solution adopted by the government seems like a big mess, which runs the risk of driving citizens crazy. The mechanism is quite chaotic, I try to summarize the explanation that Conte himself made of it: Italy would be divided into three macrozones, a kind of red, yellow and green zones to use the classic terminology of civil protection at the time of sighting. bad weather. To decide if the Regions are in the red, yellow or green zone, it will be the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, based on the Rt index of infections (above 1.5 the alarm is triggered) and 20 other parameters that are not evaluated in the only day, but for at least two or three consecutive weeks. So today none of us could say if our region, for me and for most of our readers is Lazio, belongs to the red, yellow or green zone. And this is not a minor detail, because the rules would change considerably from one area to another.
In the green ones there would only be common national standards, in the red ones it would substantially return to the total blockade of the first phase of the virus, in the yellow ones intermediate form, with prohibition of movement between one region and another and many other limitations: teaching at a distance Even greater, shops close all day and the traffic ban from 6 in the afternoon. But it is enough for Rt and 20 other parameters to change to make a Region go out of the yellow zone and drop it into the green zone or fall if the data is unfavorable in the red zone. The decision would always be in the hands of Speranza flanked by his main consultant, who is Walter Ricciardi, the professor who has said everything and the opposite since February. Now, for example, it will tend to put all of Italy in the red zone, but it may be that tomorrow it will change its mind as it has always done in recent months.
I reported things as the prime minister said. But I myself did not understand anything. If not a piece of data: among the 20 conditions, the ones that weigh the most are the “number of residential socio-sanitary structures that encounter at least one criticality weekly” and the “occupation of beds in the medical or intensive care area depending on the real availability of a single hospital structure, of the single territory “. Therefore, the restrictions would be activated especially in case of stress in the health system, between beds not available in hospitals and insufficient intensive care. Deciding the weight of the confinement, therefore, would be what the national government and, alternatively, the Regions should have done from March until today and instead have not done it. The Governors have a certain responsibility, but the weight of this inefficiency is on the shoulders of the central government: a state of health emergency has been declared, appointing an extraordinary commissioner in Domenico Arcuri for it and it is precisely there the exposed side of Italy in front of them . to the coronavirus.
Yesterday Conte tried to confuse ideas on the subject a bit, telling a half lie. He cited activated or “activated” intensive therapies for 9,052 places compared to 5,179 at the beginning of the year. But then he added “in the last few months we have distributed 3,370 new seats (new fans)”, and here is the lie. A ventilator is not an ICU position. To become one you need to build or adapt a room with its entry and exit routes, obviously with beds equipped with oxygen outlets (otherwise the ventilator is not usable), and an anesthetist and two specialized nurses for each station . There are fans, everything else is missing and therefore in the vast majority of cases these stations cannot be used. The propaganda about this is truly miserable. Until now, the total blockade has been avoided in order not to excessively damage the economy. I have the impression that the chaotic solution that has been born is even worse than that. What hurts the economic system the most is always confusion and uncertainty. Having no idea, as in this case, of what and when it closes and if it closes what and when it reopens is the worst possible condition for any business, even a family one. More than rulers it seems we have crazy scientists and video game makers in charge (that red-green-yellow and the I / O system seems to be just that). And there is no need to be sure at all.