The crisis “bites” the graduates: requests for profiles from the AlmaLaurea database -25%



In November, the applications for curriculum vitae of graduates to the database managed by the university consortium that includes 76 Italian universities fell by a quarter compared to the previous year. All disciplinary sectors are down, with the sole exception of the medical group.

by Eugenio Bruno

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In November, applications for graduates’ curriculum vitae to the database managed by the university consortium that includes 76 Italian universities fell by a quarter compared to the previous year. All disciplinary sectors are down, with the sole exception of the medical group.

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The 2020 that is about to close will go down in history as horrible dose also for the work of graduates. Saying this is an ad hoc survey by AlmaLaurea for Il Sole 24Ore del Lunedì on the resumes downloaded by companies. Despite signs of recovery, compared to last spring, in the query of the database managed by the university consortium that groups 76 Italian universities, the balance compared to last year remains at -25 percent.

The AlmaLaurea thermometer
Even if the companies that use the AlmaLaurea network (about 16,000 in 2019 and 2020) cannot be considered fully representative of our productive fabric, since very small companies are under-represented and the sample is made up of many industrial realities and few services. However, access to the database is useful to give an idea of ​​the air that is pulling the high-level job market.


The issue had already emerged this summer during the presentation of the traditional report on the working conditions of graduates. Already at that time it was highlighted that there was a before and after Covid-19. The beginning had been the best. In January, in fact, 100,000 CV had been requested, with an increase of 15.1% compared to the previous year. But as of February the decline began: -17.3%; and then worsened in March (-45.1%) and, above all, in April (-56.1%) and May 2020 (-55.8%). When the inflection point was reached, the curve changed direction. With the summer, the recovery seemed to have begun, with a resumption of curriculum acquisitions following the end of the lockdown and the corresponding start of Phase 2, but the second wave of the virus has halted the recovery. In November, the decline compared to 2019 was still 25 percent.


Download CV from AlmaLaurea database, in thousands (Source: AlmaLaurea)


Keeps only medical staff
If in spring the sudden drop in the acquisition of CVs from the database was transversal and involved all kinds of courses, since June there has been a progressive increase in applications for first-level graduates, which returned to levels in November. than 12 months before; for the second level, on the other hand, they continue to remain at lower levels than in 2019. And, according to AlmaLaurea’s approach, the crisis “bites” all the disciplinary groups, with the sole exception of the medical group (for them the requests are more than double).

Finally, mention of the companies that have consulted the database. The analysis shows a transversal contraction of downloaded resumes. To the point of involving, with different levels of intensity, all sectors. Except, once again, companies operating in the health sector (which registered an increase of 31.6% in the entire period considered). Hoping that the third wave we are talking about with increasing insistence does not hamper the expected rebound from many sides.
