Bosses, associates, sorry, revenge. The Foggia mafia told by investigators in the precautionary order “Decimabis”, signed by the investigating judge Francesco Agnino, who caused 40 arrests. The letters reveal a crude and naked display of the persuasive ability of the heads of the “Society”, dealing with business, but also called to resolve internal conflicts within the clans. To fill the ranks, according to the ordinance, it would be the 43-year-old Pasquale Moretti, alias “Il porchetto”, indicated by the repentant Carlo Verderosa (ex “Morettiano”) as the man in charge of everything hut. In light of the prolonged detention of the Mammasantissima Rocco Moretti, Known as “U ‘Purk”, Pasquale’s father, the son allegedly took over the reins of the criminal business. And he was willing to swear vengeance against anyone who dared to challenge him. Central to the episode of November 15, 2018, the day of the murder of the Company cashier, Rodolfo Bruno, he is also a “Morettiano”.
“March 27, 2019 – read the ordinance – A conversation was captured between Moretti Pasquale and Valletta Nicola. Moretti Pasquale informed Valletta that he had to murder a person, using firearms: ‘if it says so, it will trigger it. Moretti suggested to Valletta that he stand near a wash: ‘listen to me … oh and now I’ll tell you, but … you went ahead … honestly … just … the clothes are still?’ “
In another conversation, Moretti argued with Savino Ariostini “Of the possibility of attempting against the life of a person who had 10 people around: ‘There are 10 more around … do you understand or not? … he said what should I do? ‘ Moretti Pasquale explicitly referred to what had already been said in Valletta, underlining that the person responsible was not capable of attempting against the life of this person (the brothers Frascolla, ed). Therefore, he invited Ariostini to take criminal action against his target: ‘we have to do this … we have to prepare the event like this’. Then the Moretti He also reproached Ariostini for not having intervened in time to prevent the death of Bruno Rodolfo, because when they understood that the situation was about to degenerate, after the injury of Frascolla Antonello, they had to intervene to calm the situation “.
He wanted to kill his rival in the hospital.
“It emerged – the researchers report – the Main role of Moretti Pasquale since he himself informed Valletta that if he had not been in prison at that time, that same night he went to the hospitalndr place where Frascolla Antonello, who had been shot by Bruno Gianfranco’s son, was admitted) to resolve the situation, put something in the patient’s mouth (probably a firearm): ‘if it were that night … we go to the hospital … I would come to you … I would sit like that with the chair and put it in his mouth … hey I say … do you understand or not? … an hour and a half this lasted … an hour and a half … and that’s it and that’s it. ‘ Moretti Pasquale therefore reiterated in Valletta: ‘You have offended me and you have not only offended me, you have offended all my colleagues, do you understand or not? … the offense is not only for me, it is for everyone ‘“.
Relations with Gargano bosses
Known names of the Gargano Mafia in the papers of “Decimabis”. “By virtue of his criminal charisma, Moretti Pasquale also maintains alliance relationships with other criminal groups operating in other geographical areas of Apulia” – informs the judge in the order. Here the murder of Francesco Pio Gentile, alias “Passaguai”, murdered at his home in Mattinata on March 21, 2019. Moretti – as he has already told in the past the Immediate – would have moved to restore peace between the group Lombardi-Ricucci (near Gentile) and the Highlanders clan In Bergolis-Miucci, conducted by Enzo Miucci aka “U ‘Criatur”, grandson of the patriarch of the organization, Ciccillo Li Bergolis.
In the interception of April 4, 2019 (Nemesis blitz), captured in the house of Gallone Giuseppe (chief of Trinitapoli), Moretti Pasquale addressed Gallone asking him to intercede with Miucci Enzo to heal the contrasts between the Montanari and the Lombardi-Ricucci faction headed by Ricucci Pasquale aka ‘Fic secc’ (died in an ambush in November 2019, ed). ‘Cappears, have you seen it? A Pasqualino slaughterhouse (editor’s note Pasquale Moretti) has been made available and everything … he says’ you with Renzino … bi bim, ba bam … who want to kill papa (ed. Rocco Moretti). .. Buonarota (Gallone’s rival in Trinitapoli, ed.) wants to kill you, I’m available for you … Renzino wants to make amends?… Because Renzino has always said: I care about having to make peace with Weather in Mattucciello that he is a mountaineer, he belongs to the family… and with ‘fic secc’ (ed. Pasquale Ricucci). Gods morning, I do not have any problem … exterminate them all … I go to Renzino’s date and shoot him in the head. “
Basically, Moretti asked Gallone “to intercede – informs the investigating judge – as a true mediator to bring peace between Miucci Enzo and the clan of mountaineers and the Lombardi-Ricucci faction, headed by Ricucci Pasquale called ‘Dry fig’, after the recent murder of Gentile Pio Francesco, also consumed in the mafia. It is clear that Moretti is only by virtue of his own criminal standing can treat as an equal with the exponents of the other mafia associations, carrying out behaviors aimed at achieving a pax mafioso. In conclusion, the circumstantial evidentiary emergencies are significantly demonstrative that Moretti Pasquale has become the protagonist of the culmination of several executive acts of the criminal program, suitable for strengthen the operating structure of the group and through which the operation and presence of the association itself in the Foggia area was concretely manifested ”.
A new battery
As has emerged in recent research, the arrest of the historical heads of the Foggian Society led to the birth of dissident groups. Among these stands out the battery of the Frascolla brothers, allied to Sinesi-Francavilla and ended up in the sights of the Morettis, with the intention of avenging the murder of Rodolfo Bruno. The image is confirmed by the repentant Carlo Verderosa that “on January 16, 2020 – read the ordinance – explicitly referred creating a new battery that had come off the original Sinesi-Francavilla battery, composed of Frascolla, Lanza and the two Palumbo brothers (Raffaele and Benito); a division determined by the desire to be autonomous in the management of illicit income. In the minutes of January 3, 2020 – it is still written – the justice collaborator, in explicit terms, regarding these split projects of the Frascolla and Palumbo brothers, reported that the consequence of these pro-independence intentions could only be one alone: “You have to shoot me or I have to shoot you.” The repentant also has “confirmed that Palumbo Raffale, along with April Alessandro, Pesante Francesco, Palumbo Benito, Tired Ciro and the two Frascolla brothers, although belonging to the Sinesi, they were forming the clan on their own. Even the collaborator of justice Folliero Giuseppe made statements about the dissociative project of Frascolla Gioacchino, his brother Riccardo Antonio Augusto known as Antonello, his brother-in-law Raffaele Palumbo and his brother Benito ”.