The crime of Casale Monferrato: arrest of the victim’s son, a confession but many points to be clarified – La Stampa


CASALE MONFERRATO. A confession but still many questions about the crime of Pietro Beccuti (for all Paolo), 61, whose charred body was found in the garden of the house where he lived with his family. In one day, investigators found the killer and outlined a picture of a murder that came as a shock to Casale.

Beccuti was killed by his eldest son, Guglielmo, 23. The boy confessed and was taken to prison in Vercelli, suspected of voluntary murder and destruction of a corpse. However, there are still many open questions. First, the motive for the crime. Guglielmo Beccutti was long overheard by investigators yesterday after he was located in the Casale camp.

The alarm went off when the mother, Maria Carelli, on the night between Sunday and Monday, called the police. When she returned home, she said that there was a fire in the garden and that she had not heard from her husband. She explained that she also went to the emergency room to look for her. Instead, the man’s body was most likely under that stake, in the garden, where the family apparently often burned bushes and leaves. In fact, it appears that the woman may have seen smoke several hours earlier than when she raised the alarm. But she did not go to check it, believing that someone was burning bushes.

Once at the scene, the Casale police found what was left of a bonfire, noting what could have been charred human remains. The coroner later confirmed the macabre suspicion. At the time of his mother’s late-night call, Guglielmo was not at home.

The woman told police that the boy had left the house in a state of confusion. The chief prosecutor of Vercelli Pierluigi Pianta also arrived, while the head of the investigation is the alternate Mariaserena Iozzo. The house and garden were investigated on the seized property. The investigation should establish the methods and timing of what happened. At the scene of the fire it appears that there were no accelerators or triggers for the fire.

Furthermore, the first examination found no evidence to establish whether the victim was attacked right where his remains were found or in other areas of the property. With no signs of forced entry and fighting, the investigation team from the Casale Monferrato police station and the mobile brigade from the Alessandria police station immediately thought that the victim and the executioner knew each other.

MapTo have certain answers, the autopsy will be essential. The examination will clarify if there are wounds on Paolo Beccuti’s body. But also the moment of death. In fact, the time frame in which the events took place is still long and can be between Sunday afternoon and Monday night.and of.
