
While waiting for the vaccine, a high-tech surveillance strategy is being developed: the first anti-Covid doses will be available from mid-January and could reach 10 million by March. In Italy, the follow-up of the first vaccinated begins with pharmacovigilance and tests to assess the need for the second dose.
Covid-19, close to the threshold of 60 million infections in the world. Jaws:
Vaccine, the first doses
The first vaccine available in Italy could be from Pfizer. And it will be available in the second half of January for around 1.7 million people. According to AIFA estimates, other vaccines will also arrive and from January to March there could be a vaccination capacity of up to 10 million. An anti-Covid vaccination plan will be prepared and the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, is expected to present it on December 2 in Parliament.
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High-tech medicine and control testing
Monitoring remains essential in all fields of the anti-Covid offensive. The idea is to put into operation an application to monitor people who have joined the vaccination campaign. “As the Italian pharmaceutical agency Aifa – said the general director of Aifa, Nicola Magrini, on the occasion of the meeting ‘A vaccine for all’ – we will stimulate more studies for an active pharmacovigilance also with innovative means, such as an application for monitoring vaccinated people” The use of the high-tech platform will be voluntary.
After a first dose, serological tests will be performed to assess the presence of antibodies and, if necessary, a second dose will be administered.

Vaccine, who will do it first
At the moment, there is no mandatory form of the Covid vaccine, even if the topic is hot and will be addressed in the coming weeks. However, the risk categories for which the vaccine is strongly recommended will be identified, based on what happens with seasonal flu and annual vaccination campaigns.
The first groups to be safeguarded are those of health workers: doctors and nurses who, if they become ill, would put the protection of public health at risk. The same is the case with the personnel involved in the RSA where, since the start of the pandemic, outbreaks have erupted with sadly dramatic results for both those who work there and those who are assisted.
Among the first to be vaccinated will be the elderly: the idea is to proceed by age groups, starting with those over 80 and then those over 70 and so on. As the months go by, it will be possible to count on an increasing availability of doses and therefore the audience of patients will be expanded to the widest possible coverage.
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Three shots
At the moment, three vaccines have reached the final phase of testing and for which it seems that the authorization to proceed is near. The vaccine from the American pharmaceutical company Moderna, that of the multinational Pzifer and the vaccine developed by the multinational AstraZeneca with the University of Oxford and the Irbm of Pomezia, which ensures that 90% efficacy can be counted on in the optimal dose. The idea is to proceed in parallel with the arrival of the different doses, also evaluating the most effective for the different categories of patients.
Last updated: 15:36