Between February and November 30, 2020, the Regional Reference Laboratories diagnosed 1,651,229 positive cases of Covid-19, reported to the National Integrated Surveillance System of the ISS as of December 20, 2020. This was revealed by the report on the relative impact of the Covid-19 epidemic on the total mortality of the resident population in the period January-November 2020..
Since the end of February, the report points out, there has been a clear reversal of the trend in light of the favorable evolution of mortality that had characterized the 2019-2020 winter season. In the months of March and April, coinciding with the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, a significant increase in deaths from all causes was observed compared to the expected level based on the average for the 2015-2019 period.
During the first phase of the epidemic, more than 211,000 deaths were recorded (from March to May 2020), 50,000 more than the average for the same period of 2015-2019, of which more than 45,000 correspond to residents in the north of the country. The increase in the Northern regions registered almost double deaths in March (+ 94.5% compared to the average for the same month in the period 2015-2019) and an increase of + 75.0% in April.
In the June-September period, in correspondence with the transition phase of the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, a reduction in total mortality was observed that led, in all autonomous regions / provinces, to the number of deaths for the complex. of the cases registered in 2020 in line with the reference values for the 2015-2019 period.
On the contrary, starting in mid-October 2020, the effects of the second wave of the Covid-19 epidemic on total mortality become more and more evident. In absolute terms, for the months of October and November 2020, an increase in deaths from all causes of more than 31,000 and seven hundred units is estimated.
The second wave, according to the Report, is characterized in October by an excess of total deaths of 13% both in the North and in the Center-South, while in November the excess of mortality in the North stands out (+61, 4%), compared to the Center (+39.3) and the South (+ 34.7%).
Still, in many northern regions, excess total mortality in November exceeds the peak in March-April: in Valle d’Aosta (+ 139.0% compared to + 71.0% in April), in Piedmont (+ 98.0% in November compared to + 77.0% in April), Veneto (+ 42.8% compared to + 30.8% in April)and Friuli-Venezia Giulia (+ 46.9% versus + 21.1%).
The increase in deaths recorded in November is less than that observed in the first wave of the epidemic only in Lombardy (+ 66% in November compared to + 192% in March and + 118% in April) and in Emilia. Romagna (+ 34.5% compared to + 69% in March).
As toand age groups, the deviation in mortality from the trend prior to the period in which the emergency began is clearly evident from the month of March for those over 49 years of age and increases with age.
The excess of around 50 thousand deaths due to the complex of causes found at the national level for the period March-May 2020, compared to the average for the same period of the years 2015-2019, is due by 72% to the increase in deaths from the population aged 80 and over (36,000 and four hundred more deaths).
The increase in mortality in the 65-79 age group explains another 23% of excess deathi in correspondence with the first wave of the Covid-19 epidemic; In absolute terms, the increase compared to the 2015-2019 average is 11,700 deaths (which together in this age group amount to just under 53,000).
A similar phenomenon is observed in the months of October and November, the global increase in deaths exceeds 31,000 and seven hundred units, of which more than 23,000 more deaths in the age group from 80 years (which covers 74% of the population). increase in total deaths in the two-month period). With regard to the 0-49 age group, during almost the entire period considered, monthly deaths in 2020 are lower than the 2015-2019 average, with the exception of the data for March and November referring to men residing in the North, so it shows an increase of 11% and 4.9% respectively.
According to Istat, the fact that the mortality of the youngest population in 2020 is generally lower than the 2015-2019 average can be explained by considering both lowest lethality of the epidemic before age fifty, both the reduction in mortality due to some of the main causes that affect this segment of the population and accidental causes, due to confinement and the consequent blocking of mobility and many productive activities.
Read or download the full report (text continues below)
The following table shows the data for all the municipalities of Veneto. If you want to browse it, use the arrow at the bottom right next to “Page 1 of 29”. At the bottom left is the field with the magnifying glass – it’s a convenient shortcut to immediately check data for a specific municipality. The table divides deaths into three age groups and compares the 2015-2019 five-year period with the current year, again in the period between March and October.
If you browse the screens, you will immediately notice the considerable differences between municipality and municipality: there are many that register very notable increases compared to the five-year period, while other territories have registered fewer deaths in the Covid period than in the previous five years.