me coronavirus infections in Tuscany increase exponentially and alarmingly. Governor Eugenio Giani says this, announcing new measures to reduce infections. Infections that today in Tuscany reach 1526, never so many since the beginning of the pandemic. Beyond health measures and social distancing, Giani announced that the Region intends to propose distance learning for lower and upper secondary schools.
The president, in a live Facebook, explained that currently the intensive care stations are a total of 550 stations of intensive care88 of which are currently occupied by covid patients.
“The increase in infections these days is exponential in Tuscany. These new cases, including today’s data, place us in a medium situation among the Italian regions and now a national coordination is needed ”on the measures to be taken. Meanwhile, Giani, with a new ordinance, intervenes on several fronts.
Beginning with health care. “We are implementing – he said – the establishment of a single tracking center that will allow us, even with the hiring of personnel, to track cases in a more massive way”
Priority then to the purchase of rapid tests that will be available on a weekly basis, with priority to schools and health facilities, where they will be more reduced access of outsiders.
But in the face of these measures, Giani also announced a tightening in the relationship with the municipalities: “If there are municipalities that want to take measures to prohibit certain areas of the territory, the Region will give its support at the logistical and sanitary level. We will offer all our help so that any ordinance against meetings has a numerical and effective support. Against the concentrations we intend to oppose them in every way and to ensure that the movements of people are carried out with maximum security ”.
Hence the decision regarding sports realities: “Those who do amateur activities up to the regional level as of tomorrow will be interrupted not so much in the weekly training sessions but in the federal tournaments – Giani explained -. There is no doubt that contact sports are categories of risk. These activities will be interrupted for a month ”.
Giani also announces measures in the school sector: A meeting with the manager of the school’s regional office has already been scheduled for Monday. Distance learning will be encouraged in middle and high schools, except for the first and fifth classes of high school.
Another provision being considered is the closure of shopping centers weekends or ways of limiting access to supermarkets, foreseeing the possibility, for example, that only one member per family can go shopping, but on this front Giani expects a comparison with the categories.