In Italy today it is transmitted mainly in domestic and family contexts: it is the most ruling ones who are a vehicle of contagion for the elderly. National Rt at 0.92
by Nicoletta Cottone

In Italy today it is transmitted mainly in domestic and family contexts: it is the most ruling ones who are a vehicle of contagion for the elderly. National Rt at 0.92
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Coronavirus? In Italy today it is transmitted mainly in domestic and family contexts: it is the most ruling ones who are a vehicle of contagion for the elderly. Precisely for this reason, in the weekly Regions Report published by the Control Room it is recommended that “particular precautions be taken to protect the most fragile people (the elderly, people with pre-existing pathologies) in the family.” The report analyzes the data for the period September 7-13, 2020.
National Rt at 0.92, six regions above 1
Starting in June, linked to the reopening, there was “a slight but constant increase in the national transmission index (Rt) that exceeded the threshold of 1 around August 16, 2020.” In the period from August 27 to September 9, 2020, the TR calculated on symptomatic cases is 0.92, down from 1 in its mean value at two weeks. Five regions and a province with Rt above 1: Calabria with 1.07, Friuli Venezia Giulia with 1.11, Liguria with 1.32, Trento with 1.59, Puglia with 1.13 and Sicily with 1.08. The regions with the lowest TR are: Lazio (0.54), Valle d’Aosta (0.61) and Piedmont (0.69).
The highest number of cases in Lombardy
Lombardy, for its part, is the Region with the highest number of cases in the monitored period (103621), followed by Piedmont (33988), Emilia (3363), Veneto (24996), Lazio (13416), Tuscany (12958), Liguria (11952). . The regions that have registered the lowest number of cases are Molise (562), Valle d’Aosta (1260) and Calabria (1665).
Rezza: Covid hospitalizations on the rise, widespread outbreaks
“The number of cases of Covid 19 – underlined the head of the Prevention Department of the Ministry of Health Gianni Rezza – commenting on the data of the latest ISS Monitoring. The increases for the seventh week allowed, the RT is a little further up 1 There are widespread outbreaks in the country, the average age is increasing and is around 41. This means that there is obviously intra-family transmission, that is, the virus passes from the youngest to the oldest. This explains a certain slow increase but gradual hospitalizations ».
By the seventh week the cases increase
The report confirms an increase in new cases reported in Italy for the seventh consecutive week. Most of the cases, exactly 81.9%, continue to contract in the national territory, with a decrease in imported cases from abroad (10.8% of new cases diagnosed in the follow-up week). In 7.3% of the cases the information is not indicated. The percentage of imported cases from another Region or Autonomous Province has decreased for two weeks (5.5% in the current week).
Greater transmission in the family
The report indicates that for three weeks, however, there has been increased transmission in the home / family with the virus circulating even among older people.