The coronavirus overwhelms Europe but not Italy: that’s why according to foreign newspapers and the WHO | THE DATA


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Half of France is back in the red zone, in Spain Madrid is locked in again, the UK is thinking about restrictions across the country. In Italy, however, the situation seems (for now) still under control: for the English newspaper The Telegraph, the Italian success is due to a more widespread use of the mask than elsewhere and the fear that Italians still experience afterwards. of the first terrible wave. WHO also praises “the Italian example”

Italy is among the European countries that stand out better handling the second wave, and it has a lesson to teach the rest of the continent. Say it’s not us but it’s him The Telegraph, a prestigious British newspaper. And it is not the only one: other newspapers and the World Health Organization itself have celebrated the success -for now- of Italy in the contain the second wave.

But how was it possible? In the meantime, let’s start with the data: according to the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Italy is at 14th place in the list of European countries by number of cases per 100 thousand people in the last two weeks. At the head we find Spain, followed by France. Today the number of new infections registered was 1,350, with 17 deaths: figures very far from those of our neighbors.

France and Spain are in a very difficult situation: Paris has imposed the red zone in 50 departments, corresponding to most of the national territory. These departments, which more or less coincide with our provinces, have been declared an “area of ​​active circulation of the virus.” A classification that allows prefects to take additional steps to block the spread of the coronavirus. The situation is considered so serious that from today Italy has imposed the swab for anyone who enters in our territory from France.

In Spain, however, the September 20 report on the coronavirus count 90 new kills: In the last hours there have been 14,389 new covid infections, bringing the number of people affected by the pandemic to 640,040. Madrid is back, at least in a part of the city, locked up: 850 thousand people will be able to leave home just to go to work or to do urgent errands. Authorities have also ordered the parks closed, while shops, bars and restaurants must limit the capacity of the premises to 50%.

And even the United Kingdom is not doing well at all: daily infections, according to forecasts by health authorities, could reach the 50 thousand units in mid-October. And for this reason, according to the BBC, Prime Minister Boris Johnson is about to reintroduce a partial blockade extended to all of England.

Is it Italy? Our country is doing much better than those mentioned so far. The growth of infections in recent weeks has prevented an exponential increase, remaining anchored between 1,500 and 2,000 new cases every day. And even the number of hospitalized and intensive care patients, while constantly growing, remains under control. Without the possible negative effects of the elections, Italy appears to be safe. How was this possible?

According to the analysis of Telegraph, an important role in circumventing, at least for the moment, the second wave was played by a widespread adherence to the use of the mask, much more than in other European countries. This, the newspaper continues, could be due to feeling of fear that has not yet left our country, the first in Europe to be hit by the pandemic. “The impact of being the first country The European Union to be hit by the pandemic and to have experienced the blockade has not yet faded, ”he told Telegraph Erik Jones, Professor of European Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Bologna: “Italians are aware of what a second wave would entail and are determined to make sure this doesn’t happen ”.

The professor of microbiology at the University of Padua, Andrea Crisanti, interviewed by the newspaper, also highlights another aspect that would have been decisive for our country: the use of tampons. “Whenever we detect a positive, even if it is asymptomatic, we do buffer about all family members and the person’s contacts ”. Italy also maintained the quarantine period mandatory after 14 days, instead of reducing it to 7.

But we cannot let our guard down, especially now that the schools have reopened. Just there delay in reopening schools in our country compared to its European neighbors, according to the digital news site “The Local”, is one of the reasons that it is delaying the second wave here. While the schools reopened on September 14 and will reopen in some regions on September 24, in Spain and France, lessons resumed in early September.

A compliment to the Italian model has also come these days from the side from WHO, who defined the Italian as an example of how “with unity and national solidarity, common commitment and humility even the worst situation can be reversedThe general director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in video in connection with the Assisi forum ‘Cortile di Francesco’. On the difference between Italy and neighboring countries such as France and Spain, the deputy director of the WHO, Ranieri Guerra, also spoke: in the face of an increase, although slight and controlled, in the number of positives, seriously ill patients and admissions to intensive care. Although we are not yet at the level of our neighbors, such as Spain and France. This means that the effect of very stiff lock it is allowing Italy a positive effect. Italy was the country that reacted with stronger than all the others “. And we hope to continue cultivating the results.
