ROME. The avalanche of infections – more than 5,300 – that hits Italy day after day also runs the risk of causing an avalanche throughout Italy: that is why Roberto Speranza and the prime minister are considering how to take cover. An emergency meeting at Palazzo Chigi with heads of delegation today will develop the measures to be included in the dpcm. The measure will be advanced for tonight or tomorrow, according to government sources, well before the scheduled date of October 15. We discussed how to apply an extra squeeze, to avoid the worst. Thesis supported by the Minister of Health and Dario Franceschini. Everything is evaluated, except a new generalized blockade. “I don’t even want to hear about it because the risks would be both economic and health,” Interior Minister Luciana Lamorgese said, hinting that another stop could translate into criminal treatment.
The hypotheses on the table are different and range from a quasi-obligation to work smart to limit the overcrowding of means of transport, to the limit of attendance at parties and receptions, to the prohibition of carrying alcohol after 10 p.m. and early closing . of the premises, a measure that the prime minister would like to avoid. Even going so far as to hypothesize limited closures. In Naples, for example, entire districts of the city, invaded by the virus, could be outlined. As long as the situation does not rush. Because otherwise, De Luca announced, with 1,000 daily infections, the closure of the entire Region would be mandatory. Even if for the governor himself “a new total closure would be a tragedy.”
In the government there are also strong pressures to limit the presence in restaurants – but there are those who hold the brakes – and lower the capacity of public transport to 50%, “given that 80% is full and nobody controls,” says one exponent. of the government.
On the other hand, the same weekly report issued by Health and the ISS points to the fear that everything will degenerate: “For the first time there are significant critical elements related to the spread of the virus in our country.” And “there is a significant burden of local services that should be monitored for its possible impact on welfare services.” Then the invitation to the population to respect the rules, because, as President Mattarella recalled, “freedom is not an exclusively individual act, but is achieved together with others, requiring responsibility and collaboration.”
Meanwhile, the report indicates that, with the sole exception of Bolzano, all regions have now risen to a “moderate” risk level, which in the sugarcoated language of the technicians means medium, since immediately afterwards it rises to the level ” high”. Just a week ago, half of the regions were low risk. Without considering that the photograph refers to the week of September 28 to October 4. Before the outbreak of infections in recent days. Despite this, four regions have an Rt, the contagion index, above the threshold of 1.25, which along with other indicatori falls into the third of the four risk levels. Which is already causing local closures, distancing above the subway and temporary school closings. With the RT in the orange alert zone, there are already: Sicily (1.34), Piedmont (1.33), Campania (1.31) and Basilicata (1.33). But it is clear that with yesterday’s numbers marking 983 new infections, the orange light is also on in Lombardy. As of October 4, the pressure on intensive care was well manageable, with only Liguria (11% of beds occupied by Covid patients) and Sardinia (12%) suffering. There are still few school outbreaks: 33, 2.5% of those that started during the week.
But what is worrying is the constant increase in cases for which it is not possible to trace the origin of the infection: up to 4,041, equivalent to 27.7% of new positives, with peaks higher than 47% in Tuscany and Sicily, of 86, 6% in Tuscany. All the people who are unknowingly spreading the virus across the country.