
Photo: Lapresse
The “Giuseppe Conte structure” continue as before. Claudio Borghi is convinced of this, who responded to a user who pointed out that even with Mario draghi “The hateful and repeated circulation of drafts returns.” “Eh dear – answered the deputy of the League – this is the entire Giuseppi structure that continues as before. Let’s see if Draghi manages to dismantle it. The appointment of Curcio today as Civil Protection (read: Cts) seems to be the step in the direction correct ”.
The fact is that a first draft of what could be the measures provided for in the new one was immediately distributed. Dpcm, which will be valid from March 6 to April 6. The main novelty regarding the decree signed by Conte is that barbers and hairdressers will also be closed in the red zone, which the previous government had left open instead. For the rest, nothing will change, except that cinemas, theaters and concert halls will be able to reopen as of March 27, under specific conditions: the first is that the Region is in the yellow zone, which is far from obvious. in the current state of things, given that more and more territories are turning orange or even red due to the increase in infections and hospitalizations caused by the greater spread of Covid variants.
The new Dpcm must pass the scrutiny of the Regions for the definitive green light: we are moving towards an armored Easter, as recommended by the CTS and decided by Minister Roberto Speranza, according to which the current epidemiological situation and especially the one expected in the next few weeks loosen and reopen, even if it’s minimal.