“The Conte 2 government is over”


“The Conte 2 government is already on file for me. If you want we can discuss the after”: it is a quite decisive Matteo Renzi who is portrayed today by the Corriere della Sera in the background signed by Francesco Verderami. A Renzi determined to overthrow the executive he helped create a year and a half ago but is apparently unprepared for the immediate consequences of a crisis, namely elections.

“The Conte 2 government is over”

The spark that prompted the leader of Italia Viva to return to warlike intentions is the interview broadcast by the Prime Minister in Porta a Porta, in which the Prime Minister said that the delegation to the secret services is his prerogative and he has no intention of give up on her. . An idea in stark contrast to the plans of the Democratic Party, which instead has long thought that Palazzo Chigi should resign its representative (Marco Minniti?). This is the architrave on which the Scandicci senator intends to widen the gap between the Democratic Party and Conte but the plan does not seem so easy to carry out despite the obvious signs of fractures in the relationship between the lawyer and Nicola Zingaretti.

Because Plan B of the Democratic Party provides for the world’s final weapon: elections. And precisely because the elections could constitute the nightmare for the group of elected officials who joined Italia Viva after Renzi, given that very few (to date none, according to polls) would have a guaranteed place in parliament in the possible next round. And since the ballot boxes could really weld the axis between the 5-Star Movement and the Pd on behalf of Conte’s premier, although today the numbers give a great advantage to that center-right in which the most interested in the vote is still Giorgia Meloni, rising star in polls. Matteo Salvini and the Lega appear to be in decline today. But if some voices from the Senate of Parliament fled instead of hitting some of the elected members of the Democratic Party and then went to Italia Viva ready to back down, Renzi seems quite determined to seek a confrontation:

The first step will be formalized tomorrow, when he will present Iv’s observations on the draft recovery plan prepared by Palazzo Chigi: thirty pages and one hundred objections will serve to reject “a collage of obviousness without vision, full of repetitions and with wrong paragraphs.” . The second step will be his speech in the Senate at the end of the year, on a budget that will vote to avoid the provisional exercise of the country.

The third, about which many have reservations, will take place “in the first days of January, when I will also take the courage for Di Maio and Zingaretti”. The blow to the chancellor and the secretary of the Democratic Party serves to recall what a dem representative in the government does not have difficulty admitting: “About a month ago, half of my party and a part of the M5S had made a pact with Renzi, Unless they later retired. ” .

What happens in January: the return of the red and orange zone and the regions at risk

The fear of elections and the government of Draghi instead of Conte

But on the other side of the barricade, at Palazzo Chigi, they continue to quietly wait for the waters to calm themselves. At the moment there is no timetable for the revision of the Recovery Plan, which is the only concrete point at which Giuseppe Conte has shown his desire to dialogue, reversing the directors and assuring the Italian delegation Viva of his intentions. The Democratic Party asks that the management structure be of support to the public administration, the Regions and the Municipalities, the Republic explains today, while Renzi still focuses on the use of the Month, another argument that serves to sharpen the gap between the Democratic Party, which had party to ask for it, and the 5 Star MoVement, which is in a definitive niet position along with Liberi e Uguali. Meanwhile, with Speranza, he fights for the insufficiency of the health budget,

But we must hurry: “The Recovery plan must be approved as soon as possible in the CDM and brought to Parliament, it has been debated for too many months,” he urges his gypsies. “There are no adventures, but neither is laziness,” he warns. “We had to go into debt to face the emergency and we will do it again to rebuild Italy. A choice that will weigh on the next generations. As long as European funds are well spent. “The true test of the Italian ruling class is this: giving young people their due, the future.”

Otherwise? Otherwise, the only plan that remains in place, apart from the polls during the coronavirus emergency openly requested by Dario Franceschini, is the famous Draghi government that would undoubtedly have the support of Forza Italia, perhaps even that of the League ( provided both timed) and Giorgia Meloni decided no, thus gaining even more votes within the center-right. A plan that doesn’t suit anyone. Except Renzi.
