The situation in front of the covid-19 in Milan also worries the Ats a lot, which has asked people and administrations for caution. “What we see is that the contagion circulates faster in the areas less affected the last time, when the blockade intervened. Milan had been marginally affected, but this time the resumption of activities saw Milan and other areas of Lombardy resume.” To speak is the medical director of Ats Milano Vittorio Demicheli at “Buongiorno” on Sky TG24.
“What worries us – he continued – is that we do not know exactly in a large metropolis the speed with which the phenomenon can occur. Yesterday (Sunday, ed) our Ats launched an alarm and an invitation to citizens so that everyone will have to give up something, because at this moment the containment phase is unfortunately ineffective. We cannot track all infections, to actively put ourselves in isolation, people. Those who suspect they have had risky contact or symptoms are at home. ”
The new containment measures
The containment, remember, was further aggravated with another Dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. The main novelties of the Dpcm of October 18 are substantially three: the first is that the streets and squares can be closed at 9:00 p.m. to avoid crowds; the second is the school’s flexible schedule (which remains open); the third are the places closed at midnight and from 6 pm without table service.
The other appeal to the citizens of Ats
To launch the appeal to the city and its inhabitants was Walter Bergamaschi, general manager of Ats Milano Metropolitana. “Admissions to intensive care are increasing and positive cases are also constantly growing. The situation is critical in Lombardy, but particularly in Milan and the metropolitan city. The help of all citizens is needed to stop the race of the virus.”
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“The most worrying thing is that in the next few hours the number of positive subjects may continue to increase and put more and more pressure on hospitals. We will try to strengthen the relationship with family doctors, who have a decisive role in the notification of suspected cases and the supervision of patients. Frail patients. Today more than ever his role can be fundamental, working in a network with the Ats and following their indications ”, he concluded.