
“Mom has been coughing into your face for half an hour, it’s okay?”. Giuseppe Conte unleashed an uproar on social networks, which were quite surprised to see in what conditions the premiere was presented since Lilli gruber a Half past eight. Aired on La7, the ombudsman seemed quite cold, between coughs and sobs that did not escape the microphones and especially the spectators. As if that were not enough, Dagospia put everything on with the following flash: “Dalla Gruber Conte reads the phone to answer questions. Crazy: he stutters, sweats, blushes and especially coughs all the time. However, it certainly cannot be said that with him Lilli is really a watchdog… ”. Beyond the uproar over health conditions, the premier gave very important news about what will happen at Christmas: there will probably be no red zones and movement between regions will be allowed, but ad hoc restrictions will arrive for the holidays.
