the comment of the Regional Health Councilor Pierluigi Lopalco


The Puglia region should be placed in the middle band “orange” – “transparent”. Even the Health Councilor of the Puglia Region, Pierluigi Lopalco, would like to know: “We are all anxiously waiting,” guest of ‘The Day of the Sheep’ tells Rai Radio 1.

According to the epidemiologist, the dpcm of November 3, which will enter into force tomorrow and until December 3, will be final, the last of the second wave, “a couple of months from the moment of the peak.” The first effects will be noticeable in at least a couple of weeks.

Looking ahead to the Christmas holidays “I see a Christmas with 20 people at the difficult table.” “Our society must be enclosed in a sphere of 6/7 people.”

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Lopalco would have brought the curfew forward to 21: “The message is to bed after the carousel”
