The colors of the Regions, today-


Today, Friday, January 22, the usual weekly monitoring of the situation of the Covid epidemic in Italy is expected. The point made by the Ministry of Health, the Higher Institute of Health and the Technical-Scientific Committee, and based on the trend of the data, a color change may be triggered for some regions.

What could happen?

The Lombardy, l ‘South tyrol and the Sicily will remain in the red zone: they entered last week and, according to the law, they must stay there for at least two weeks. Lombardy, on Monday awaits the decision of Lazio TAR on the request of the Region to return to orange, after the red until January 31 decided by the government. If the Region wins, all the parameters of the colors would be in question: it would be an additional problem for the government, both at a political and organizational level, also because the Regions’ desire for freedom often collides with their excesses of prudence. at school, as explained by the coordinator of the Miozzo Technical Scientific Committee.

The regions Abruzzo, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Piedmont, Puglia, Umbria and Valle D’Aosta they should remain in the orange zone (although Liguria, according to the president of the Toti Region, had data that would place it in the yellow zone), after having entered it last week.

Calabria, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto They were already in the orange zone last week – the data shouldn’t allow passage in the yellow zone anyway.

They may remain yellow, however, Basilicata, Campania, Molise, Sardinia.

The province of Trento, today in the yellow zone, it could happen white zone. What is it about? As written here, an area that is entered when Sars-CoV-2 infections are almost eliminated and health structures cope with the emergency. In this area, the mask is still mandatory outdoors and indoors, the separation of at least one meter between people, the prohibition of meeting and the obligation to disinfect hands before entering the premises, but also when coming into contact with others people. But the movements are free.

The Tuscany will remain in the yellow zone: in the Region the return to secondary schools is advancing by 50%: the reorganization of transportation has prevented an increase in infections.
