It had already undergone a control exactly one year ago, for which it had had to close the business, following an order from the Suap of the municipality of Rimini. An experience that was not enough for the owner of a hotel in Rimini Nord who, after reopening its doors in 2020, taking advantage of the presentation of a new “Scia”, faced other infractions, including some that had already been disputed last season. .
The control, carried out in mid-August by the Rimini Local Police officers, together with the Viserba Station Carabinieri and Rimini ASL staff, was necessary as a result of numerous reports from tourists, also received by the Office of complaints from the Department of Tourism of the municipality of Rimini. The receptive structure in question was already known to the police, due to previous problems registered in contrast to the essential rules that regulate hotel activity.
From the inspection of the premises of the structure and the testimonies of the numerous customers angry and disappointed by the ruined party, numerous indications emerged about the irregularities, which were later found: lack of differentiation of the paths within the structure; unavailability of hand hygiene devices with hydroalcoholic solutions; lack of cleanliness of the rooms and linens; rooms with lack of hygiene, dirt and lack of documentation for the attendance record as required by the Covid protocols and the guidelines adopted by ordinance of the Emilia Romagna Region.
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Good and report
The absence of the minimum requirements, as well as those required for the management of a 3-star hotel, led to penalties for a total of 12 thousand euros, in addition to the order that prohibits the continuation of the hospitality business notified in mid-August, issued by the Single Board of Companies, based on the high minutes of protest. This provision was not respected because, at the end of August, during a subsequent control by the Local Police, to verify compliance with the closure order, the hotel was still open, with guests and several rooms occupied. A new offense for which the owner has been referred to the Judicial Authority.