The Civile de Alghero becomes Covid. Here is the document: controversy


Corinthians 8:10

The Civile de Alghero becomes COVID-19
Here is the document: controversy

Since yesterday the start of operations in the Alghero intensive care unit, still never opened. He disregarded all indications and guarantees. Medical staff concern. Here is the internal document that would certify the opening of the new Covid department in case of emergency

ALGHERO – Confirmed all the progress of Alghero newspaper and ignored all guarantees. In fact, the top management of the regional health department and the president of the council, Michele Pais from Algeria, had never spoken of the Covid department: exactly the opposite. Since March, when the announcements of the imminent opening of intensive care followed, everyone excluded the possibility of hospitalization of Covid + patients. For a logistical and structural issue, as well as personnel training. However, since yesterday (Friday), silently and without official communication yet, the intensive care units of the Alghero civil hospital are preparing to open their doors in a regime of absolute health emergency.

A rather anomalous and serious silence, probably the result of the general confusion that seems to reign in Sardinia in the management of the health emergency. Despite the lack of communication from Ats, the Region and the Municipality, here is the internal document that accredits, in any case, the intention to start the activity of the Alghero intensive care unit, justified by theAssl of Sassari with the systematic requests of other regional hospitals and in particular the University Hospital of Sassari, for the acceptance of patients positive to the Covid 19 virus. A choice that certainly does not make medical operators sleep in peace and has already created protests and discontent . Below is the note sent by the management ofAts Sardinia to the regional department of public health.

To take more urgent system management measures.

hospital healthcare at the ASSL in Sassari to treat

the ongoing epidemiological emergency of COVID-19 is urgent

support the regional intensive care units already included in the

network of those identified as accepting patients

Covid 19 Positive. Following the systematic requests of the other regional hospitals and in particular the University Hospital of Sassari, for the acceptance of positive patients for the Covid 19 virus in intensive care, more

Urgent organizational inspections and analyzes in the

object, compared to those already performed by the verification team

regional authority for the exercise of the authorization and accreditation of the

intensive care in ordinary regimen. It was possible, in a state of absolute health emergency, to receive these patients in the Civil Hospital, guaranteeing the continuity of the hospital first aid activities and the provision of the essential hospital services complex underway at the Alghero hospital. Supported by ATS Sardinia’s central administrative structures for the immediate provision, necessary and additional needs of dedicated nursing staff. Regarding the need for medical personnel specialized in anesthesia and resuscitation, a systematic integration of personnel has been activated between those already present within the single unit of the homogeneous area and that of the Sassari Hospital (as well as any other regional establishment) such as Hub main sender of these patients. With reference to the “dirty-clean” roads and the sanitation in

safety of medical professionals and other health professions

inside and outside the department are possible, in an extraordinary way and

exceptional, the adoption of essential safety measures in case of emergency

to prevent the spread of infection; also through

training and education by doctors and professionals

skilled workers involved. Patients entering and leaving the ward must be managed with the biocontainment transport systems present in the ASL, Hospitals and AREUS. After the acceptance of the first patients and in the event of total occupation of the 6 available beds, non-invasive works are already being carried out in the activities of the ward and outside the hospital structure in the part adjacent to the secondary exit of the room. activate an entrance / exit dedicated to patients and separated from other ordinary access routes (main entrance and entrance from the emergency room). This note accompanies the request of the Extraordinary Commissioner of which a draft is attached for signature and urgent transmission to the competent regional directorate in Public Health, from which an immediate response is expected.

last modified at 10



Maximum alert in the Fertilia municipal residential center for the elderly, where a woman tested positive for Coronavirus. Activate follow-up procedures


Since this morning, the doors of the new Civil Hospital room, announced for some time, have been opened. According to the first rumors, unlike previously communicated, the department should also manage and treat patients with Covid


Sassari is the most affected city. Cagliari, Olbia and Arzachena follow. Surprisingly, Alghero is the fifth worst hit city on the island. These are the official data of the Istituto Superiore di Sanit updated to October 20. There are 119 municipalities free of Covid


This was announced by the President of the Region, Christian Solinas, who is thinking about a new regional blockade so as not to compromise the stability of the health system and the regular provision of care. COVID-19, serious situation in Sardinia

The confrontation arises, Pietro Sartore makes two accounts and “hits” them in the face of the mayor of Alghero. While all the mayors of the main centers of northern Sardinia, from Olbia to Sassari, lash out at the unreliability of Ats data on the spread of infections COVID-19, Alghero takes them as if they were the Bible. You just don’t seem to have noticed anything like Hiroo onoda, the Japanese who refused to believe that the war was over. His words


The news of the opening of intensive care in Alghero should have filled me with joy. But it only caused me great concern. Concern because such an event, expected for years, takes place in silence, without the presence of the highest officials of the city, representing the entire community, as if there was something to hide.


Obvious difficulties throughout the territory of the Sardinia region, decidedly unprepared to manage the second wave of Covid. In the last update of the Crisis Unit in a new registry of new infections. The number of victims unchanged: 181.


Risk COVID-19. There are no visits from relatives and assistants waiting for the complete sanitation of the premises. This is a procedure provided by health protocols, to guarantee patients and medical operators


The choice to open the intensive care unit quietly and without official communications and dedicate it to Covid patients generates an earthquake even in political circles. Alghero can’t afford a Covid ward, doesn’t have enough anesthesiologists and resuscitators, according to minority councilors


The 5-star Movement deputy Mario Perantoni wonders what could be behind the idea of ​​the president of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia to lock up the island for fifteen days


The democratic council group sounds the alarm for the president of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, Christian Solinas, and the regional councilor of Sanit Mario Nieddu. A question was presented about the suspension of radiotherapy treatments for cancer patients


In Alghero a detailed urgent question has been registered: inform the City Council about the measures aimed at promoting compliance with the regulatory indications, how many and what controls the local police have carried out so far and if it finally intends to approach the ATS with the authority what a legitimate mayor can expect


Awaiting the decision of the president of the autonomous region of Sardegnam, the first political reactions arrive. What have you done to avoid this hypothesis? In summer, no planning or organization


A case of positivity for Coronavirus was found in the Environment and Public Green Sector of the Municipality of Sassari. All security protocols have already been started. The offices of the Sector and that of the Barracellar Company are closed and will reopen on Monday morning.


Alghero has an intensive care unit that has been ready for some time, which is still closed. The councilors of the groups Centrosinistra Futuro Comune, X Alghero, Sinistra in Comune and the Democratic Party denounce for the umpteenth time the absurdity of having an intensive care unit ready for a long time, but still closed in the Civil Hospital of Alghero


Forty-five nurses and auxiliary health workers and fifteen administrators for data entry will be hired shortly in Sardinia, announces Undersecretary of Defense Giulio Calvisi


The Ats’ action aims to ease the pressure faced by hospitals dealing with infections on the island. Each bed will cost 66 euros per night to the regional health system.


Political comments continue on the statement by the president of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia Christian Solinas, where an anti-Covid squeeze was expected on the island. Here is the statement of the deputy of the Movement 5 stars Mario Perantoni


The Palazzo Clemente Neurology Department joins the other six departments already converted by the University Hospital of Sassari and committed to the fight against Coronavirus


Based on data provided today by the Sassari Department of Prevention, Hygiene and Public Health, Mayor Gian Vittorio Campus announced that there are 264 positives for Coronavirus in the city, of which twenty-nine are hospitalized.


And the request of the regional councilor of the 5-star Movement Carla Cuccu, secretary of the Commission for Health and Social Policy, who posed a question to the president of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia Christian Solinas and to the regional councilor of Sanit Mario Nieddu, to request the restoration of the structure of Churches.


Commitment of the Regional Health Councilor to strengthen the Health Center in Via Dess and to activate the RSA / hospice. On Tuesday, the representative of the Council of Solinas carried out an inspection of the property


Mayor Andrea Lutzu brought together the Civil Protection Coc, voluntary associations and homes for the elderly to examine the situation in light of the evolution of the spread of the coronavirus in the city.


The Andriolu Polyclinic has been identified as a reference center, for the territory, for asymptomatic or paucisymptomatic patients with chronic renal failure on Covid-positive dialysis.

October 24th
October 24th
October 23
