the categorical refusal of the banker – Libero Quotidiano


Giuseppe Conte yesterday he said he had proposed Mario draghi the role of head of the European Commission. The way Conte reconstructed the event, the passage in which he said he “tried to build consensus around Draghi’s name,” reveals an if not improvised idea, he writes. Corriere della Sera, at least without a solid foundation. “Super Mario,” Conte said, “wanted to take a moment to escape.” In fact, he simply turned down the offer to lead the International Monetary Fund, but wanted to prevent his name from ending up in the meat grinder of a negotiation with an almost obvious outcome. Because certain appointments, including the presidency of the Commission, have political significance and they revolve around the Franco-German axis that no one can scratch.

Unofficial indiscretions: shots from Conte in the encore and Draghi?  Mattarella's (harsh) reaction against the prime minister

The idea of ​​Draghi in Brussels, then, launched by a premier as a reckoning of negligible weight and without having been in agreement with the Franco-German axis, would have had no chance. And this Mario Draghi is he knew very well. And then it is not clear why Conte who says he esteems Draghi and is not afraid of him as much as possible Prime Minister instead, you have not included it among the hundreds of invitations to General states from Villa Madama. In fact, when Draghi wrote in the Financial times In the article on the need for a breakthrough in Europe, brought to its knees by the pandemic, the democratic delegation asked Conte to mention the former governor in the speech he would deliver in Parliament a few hours later. But Conte didn’t.
