In recent days, the attempt by a person with affable and kind manners has been reported, who approaches unsuspecting neighbors proposing a catalog of discounts to be used without expiration and worrying. prestigious brands of consumer goods, including gasoline.
The reports come from Pergine, from the lower Valsugana and from Trento where unsuspecting citizens are asked to be very careful and, in case of fraud, to first contact the consumer association, which where possible, thanks to the advice of an operator, terminate the contracts within a period of 14 days. And it’s not just older people who fall for the scam, but also young children and housewives. The scam is not new, in fact, similar cases were reported in our province in 2016.
The vouchers that the “seller” recommends to unsuspecting consumers must be personalized and therefore a signature and copy of the identity document is required.

Everything seems logical and regular, but unfortunately it is not like that, in fact, the citizens in the end believe that they will receive discount coupons and instead have signed a product supply contract.
After the withdrawal periods provided by law (14 days), you are presented with a completely different issue than the first one that communicates that a supply contract has been signed for several products for a total of 10 thousand euros to pay in three years.
It is the moment when chaos breaks out: on the one hand, the involuntary client who sometimes asks his husband or wife and children for support, and on the other, the second scammer who has a brilliant idea.

In other words, the misunderstanding can be solved with a single purchase of 3,500 euros. And at this point the matter becomes legal, but proving the scam is not always easy or worth not having trouble.
What to do in situations like these? First, spread the scam mode to alert as many people as possible. Then on first contact, of course do not sign or copy the documents, but notify the Police as soon as possible giving as many details about the first character.
It wouldn’t hurt to call them Police Also on the occasion of the second contact they were able to acquire useful material for the complaint. These “dishonest” sellers always try, also because they are aware that the criminal risks are really minimal or non-existent.
