The case of the salary increase in Tridico: the figure was proposed by the Ministry of Labor. “It is not retroactive, false that I will take 100,000 euros in arrears”


“I did not take no arrears. 100 thousand euros? a false. The inter-ministerial decree provides for the remuneration of the board of directors and the president since he took office, or April 2020“. The comment of Pasquale Tridico Alabama waiting for personnel management Inps put pencil on paper in an official note how things were and while the center right compact asks for it resignation. After that I delays in delivery of the cig and the case of bonus 600 euros to the deputies, this time the controversy concerns the salary doubling recognized Tridico (and the president of Inail Franco Bettoni) give one interministerial decree August 7. An increase that was foreseen, although not in the amount, by law that in march 2019, under the yellow-green government, reformed the governance of the two institutions by restoring i Board of Directors. Looking at the figure – 150 thousand euros gross, 90 thousand less than the maximum remuneration for public executives – the official documentation reveals that it was not the board who decided it but the Ministry of Labor conducted by Nunzia Catalfo (M5), however, confirming a proposal dating from 2019 when he led the department Luigi di maio. Meanwhile, the institute has cut other expenses by a total of 522 thousand eurosTherefore, the increase does not imply additional disbursements for the public treasury.

The figure was proposed by the Ministry of Labor – The case was raised by Republic, according to which “it was the Board itself, which met in the middle of emergency shutdown, to self-assign the quantum, then suggested to Catalfo “. minutes of the Inps board of directors of April 22 seems to tell another story: in fact, the Not ten. 6445 of April 7, 2020, with which the Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies communicated the amount of the fees to the institute of the president, the vice president and the board of directors, with an amount of € 150,000 for the president, 40,000 for the vice president, extendable up to 100,000 depending on the delegations, € 23,000 for each of the members of the board (… ), inviting the aforementioned body, once installed, to adopt the resolution proposal of the aforementioned rates, indicating the relative financial coverage“.
It was therefore the responsibility of the ministry to propose the figure, thus providing for the adjustment required by law and ending the transitional period which opened in the spring of 2019, when the yellow and green called Tridico INPS commissioner with him Adriano Morrone (Lega area) as deputy commissioner.

In transitional phase at Tridico 62 thousand euros per year – In this first phase, the two were assigned one respectively 62 thousand salary me 41 thousand euros gross, sharing between them I 103 thousand euros that until the previous year belonged to the predecessor Titus Boers. Figures clearly low compared to responsibility related to the management of an institution that provides services for more than 200 billion a year (much more in 2020 than Covid). Especially since maximum limit of the remuneration of public administrators is fixed on 240 thousand euros. Tridico too has no other income: as of March 14, 2019 is license from the University of Rome 3 where he taught Economic Policy. There Law 26 of March 28, 2019 – the “decree” on citizen income and quota 100 – established, however, that a board of directors was appointed and referred the definition of remuneration to a subsequent inter-ministerial decree on Labor Economy “no new or major burdens on public finances“.

The revision of the expenditure of 522 thousand euros and the decision of the ministry – Therefore, in order to increase the rates, the INPS had to first carry out a internal expense review. The Ministry of Labor in June 2019 had asked for at least 450 thousand euros in cuts, the institute has arrived 522mila reducing outputs to maintenance and rentals and the Postal and telephone expenses. Taking into account that this figure was available, on April 7 the chief of staff of the ministry with note 6445 therefore proposed 150 thousand euros for Tridico and 40 thousand for vice. Luisa gnecchi (who is retired and performs the order for free). The total figure is less than the cuts budgeted by the INPS.

The new remuneration expires “from the date of appointment”. Tridico: “It has been in force since the board of directors took office” – The April 15 the board of directors has officially taken office, in which they also sit Roberto Lancellotti, Rosario De Luca me Patrizia tullini. As required by law, at that time the inter-ministerial decree was needed, which was approved on August 7. “In summer, hoping to go unnoticed“, Gloss Republic. “And also, in the form retroactive: to pay you arrears, maybe even despite the law. (…) A spanne, a tantum of 100 thousand euro“This is because the decree establishes that Effective date and “from the date of appointment of the president, alternate and directors.” Perhaps an ambiguous formulation, hence the request for clarification from the board of legal auditors – but which, according to Tridicus, must undoubtedly be interpreted in the sense “Since you took over the board of directors, that’s April 2020.”. Therefore, you would not be owed any retroactive compensation for work performed from May 2019, when you were officially appointed president, until April 2020. Arrears should only be calculated as of mid-April.

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