The case of Puglia in the yellow area but orange municipalities in Foggia, Bat and Bari:


Those from Apulia try not to lose their increasingly precarious balance, as in the Twister rug, where players get tangled in circles of different colors. The yellow zone lasted only 2 days in twenty municipalities. From Christmas to Santo Stefano, to use an old adage. In the province of Foggia, 14 municipalities are slowly returning to the orange zone: the capital city of Foggia, Lucera, in the Dauni Ascoli Satriano, Accadia and Troia mountains, in the Five Royal Sites of Cerignola and Carapelle, in the Gargano San Marco in Lamis, San Nicandro Garganico, Monte Sant’Angelo, Manfredonia and the nearby Zapponeta, in Alto Tavoliere San Severo and Torremaggiore. Another 47 municipalities remain yellow.

Puglia is the only region maculata. In the Bat, Andria, Barletta, Bisceglie and Spinazzola changed color again. In the province of Bari, only Altamura and Gravina in Puglia were within the range of risk scenario 3.

The flashing yellow and orange area is a nightmare for bars and restaurants that have stocked with a reopening of at least two weeks or more. It was plausible that they gave themselves at least a few days to reschedule, but no. It closes on December 8 with a footnote: “The Puglia Region, within the limits of the allocation provided by the Government with the ‘quater refreshment’ decree, will deal with refreshments for the categories subject to restrictions.” On the contrary, some restaurateurs were convinced that they were returning to the orange zone and remained yellow, experiencing the same agonizing uncertainty as their colleagues. Planning, even in the short term, at this rate is impossible. Some insiders talk about “joke”If only it made you laugh But what is your fault. They ended up in a tire molla that created another embarrassing confusion, comparable only to school chaos. The exasperation resulted in a vibrant protest in front of Foggia prefecture, today, with a bathroom and the goods thrown away, a desperate message to the government. It is the final blow.

To pull Michele Emiliano for the jacket were also the mayors, but certainly not the mayor of Ascoli Satriano Vincenzo Sarcone who today has lost his temper: “It is fair and timely to adopt some restrictive measures, but it would also have been institutionally appropriate for President Emiliano to have invited the mayors of the affected municipalities to the videoconference that was held before issuing this ordinance. Who represented Ascoli Satriano and the other municipalities? Is it that man who spoke on behalf of our municipality and what did he say?“Theoretically, to represent him, for the record, was the president of the province Nicola Gatta.

“You think it is fair – Sarcone observes – that the restaurants in Ascoli should remain closed and a few kilometers, 3 or 4, will the restaurants remain open? Furthermore, if the objective was to contain the impacts on the health system, Emiliano did not take into account that all the municipalities in the province of Foggia refer to the same hospitals, for the most part to Riuniti di Foggia. Then, reviewing the ordinance, he finds the only point where the governor takes due consideration of the mayors, is when he says that more restrictions may apply: “What should we adopt Emiliano, the cabbage should we adopt?”he asks furiously. As for the refreshments, which he hopes will arrive soon, he points out that it has not yet been understood who should provide them, the State or the Region. “Let’s hope they don’t do the usual talk.”. Tomorrow he will officially request a videoconference with President Emiliano with the other interested mayors, on his mobile number, which “He used to ask me to vote before the regional elections – says Piccato – He no longer responds, not even to whatsapp ”.

If we want, Foggia was “zoned”, to borrow an expression from Mayor Franco Landella, which has become a catchphrase after the appearance of Barbara D’Urso. The inhabitants of the capital of Dauno and the municipalities of the province were banned. Of course, in the name of responsibility, many people from Foggia do not turn: either yellow or orange, they stay at home. In San Giovanni Rotondo, the town of Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, they are perplexed and the accounts do not return to many concerned citizens. If only there had been more transparency, information on infections reported promptly to the population and data disaggregated by municipalities, perhaps there would not have been a short circuit in public opinion. Today the strange case of the non-communication of data by the ASL Bat and the vertiginous decline in the numbers of Bari upset the feminine calculations.

The ordinance is supported by data from the Department of Health that conducted additional useful analysis precisely to highlight critical issues related to some municipalities. Therefore, there is a map of the incidence in the individual municipalities. The absolute number of new positive cases detected in the two weeks from November 16 to 29, the incidence rate for each of the two weeks, and the relationship between that municipal incidence rate and the regional rate were taken into account. Result: in the city of Foggia the number of weekly cases is greater than 10 and the ratio between the municipal rate and the regional rate is greater than 2, which corresponds to an excess of more than 100% with respect to the regional value; The other municipalities subject to the new restrictions have a number of cases greater than 10 and a relationship between municipal rate and regional rate greater than 1.3 for two weeks, which corresponds to a 30% excess of municipal incidence with respect to the regional value . If it had been observed in the last week, from November 30 to December 7, the photograph would have been different.

The “high” risk assessment with reference to the probability of the spread of the epidemic and the “high” risk assessment with reference to the impacts on the regional health system attributed to Puglia by the Istituto Superiore della Sanità, would be attributable only to the provinces of Foggia and Murcielago.

The health organization that Michele Emiliano had magnified in a post that had cost him an avalanche of negative comments does not show, at this point, the same resilience in the two provinces as the rest of the Region or, at least, the ordinance certifies that something is not here. it worked.

As in the ballet two days ago, when for the first time she rejoiced with the result of the yellow Apulia thanks to the health system that she endured, then she discharged the responsibility for the reclassification on the government and finally took it out on the journalists-terrorists, this time also has an afterthought. On December 2, on the eve of the last dpcm, he stated, as a guest of Stasera Italia, how the travel ban between municipalities “surreal”: “If you live in Rome you can move to different places, if you are from Bari a little less but you get it, but if you live in towns with few inhabitants it is like living in Ventotene during fascism”. And he asked the government for only one thing: “clarity”, at a time that he considered vital. Surreal is the right word.
