The calls for substitutes for August 31 and June 30 will be published on the websites of the School Offices.


Provincial Rankings for Substitutes: Lists have been published by numerous school offices. Beyond possible errors, the procedure for assigning alternates begins. The GaE take precedence, the first and second GPS bands will follow, first support and then commonplace.

One of our readers asks

My question concerns the GPS – once the ratings have been posted, where will the calls go? In online or other instances? Thank you very much have a nice day

What is displayed in online instances

On the personal page of Instanze online, the applicant can only see the data related to their position: score, preferences and priorities.

Call procedure

They are indicated in OM n. 60/2020 art. 12

The summons can be managed in person or electronically.

Given the persistence of the health emergency, many offices will opt for the telematic method for choosing locations by applicants. The actual attribution, based on the election, can take place in the presence on a date agreed upon through delegation to the Director of Operations or to the union member. Look at the example of Palermo

The school office should be contacted on site

  • the meeting calendar
  • all available places and the offices to which they refer (the parent company is indicated, not branches or independent offices).

More rounds of calls

More rounds of calls may be held, for various reasons, including resignations. In any case, the subsequent availability to be determined does not imply the restructuring of the substitutes already granted.

We need delegation

Explicit OM No. 60 “The candidates, usefully placed in the GAE and, alternatively, in the GPS, present at the call, personally or through a person with specific power, and the candidates who have sent, as determined by the competent Office, with info-telematic mode, prior authorization of acceptance to the person responsible for the operations in question.

Candidates who are not present at the call and who have not benefited from any of the types of delegation specified above do not have the right to take alternates.

Calls for school rankings

Calls for school rankings will be handled by individual school principals, either by presence or by email.

Substitutes 2020/22, those who have not chosen schools will not be summoned by the IG for temporary substitutes

List of provinces that have already published the GPS
