Interviewed by the Rai 3 program “Titolo Quinto”, broadcast on Friday night, Saverio Cotticelli, health commissioner in Calabria appointed in January 2019, said he did not know that he was responsible for preparing a “Covid plan” for his region , that is, the document that explains how and when each regional government faces a new increase in coronavirus cases.
To the journalist Walter Molino who asked him a question about the matter, Cotticelli, a former retired carabiniere appointed by the first Conte government, first claimed that he was not responsible for the plan. Then, at the request of Molino, he recovered a document at the end of October – received from the Ministry of Economy and Health – that reiterated (but it was already the case) that in the commissioned regions the plan had to be prepared by the commissioner. As Cotticelli looked at the document, Molino asked him “what do they say, who should make this plan?” He replied laconically, as if only discovering at that moment that it was his turn:
Cotticelli then added, quickly:
“I am working on the plan and it will be ready next week.”
What is the health situation in Calabria, a red zone according to the new DPCM? Who should develop the regional COVID plan? How many intensive care places are there to activate?
???? Review research from #TitleV its @RaiPlay https://t.co/aiKHVRvdVA.
– Rai3 (@RaiTre) November 7, 2020
Cotticelli, realizing his flaws, added, apparently with the cameras turned off: “What do you want me to answer? Tomorrow morning they will kick me out of here.” After a note in which Giuseppe Conte he had explained that “the health commissioner in Calabria Saverio Cotticelli must be replaced with immediate effect”, Cotticelli has presented his resignation this morning to the Ministry of Health.
In the red zone of Calabria it is difficult to even know the amount of intensive therapies that exist …
Walter Molino’s interview with Saverio Cotticelli, Calabrian Health Commissioner #TitleV pic.twitter.com/R7EvRaLOJc
– Rai3 (@RaiTre) November 6, 2020