The boy who follows Salvini everywhere: “Go ahead Matteo, one day I want to be like you” – La Stampa


It is not the first time that the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini has posted messages from the little ones on their social profiles. The latest is a letter that the Carroccio leader posted on Twitter and Instagram: written by Emanuel, a boy from Settimo Torinese, son of a member of Salvini’s party. The “Captain” – as his political supporters call him – wasted no time, he posted the photo of the letter on their profiles. “One of the many letters that come to me from all over Italy”, writes the leader of the Carroccio on Instagram, closing the comment with a red heart.

Here is the full text of the letter: «Dear Matteo, I am Emanuel, every time I see you, it is always an emotion – writes little Emanuel in capital letters -. I am happy and proud that there is a politician like you. I respect you a lot and I’m sorry they want to judge you unfairly. I’m by your side With affection Emanuel from Settimo Torinese (To) ».

The boy who follows Salvini everywhere:

On Salvini’s Instagram profile, among thousands of “likes” and enthusiastic comments (such as Almuccia55: “We love you Matteo” and frenkSime: “Wait Matteo, the Italians really are with you”) appear phrases that are not exactly compliments towards the political leader of Carroccio: there he attacks the child’s parents: “Poor child kidnapped by his parents …”. And those who make fun of Salvini: “He must have written it himself …” or like Sarahila: “How scary to think that these new generations will take you as an example.”

In Settimo they say that Emanuel, thanks to his mother Silvia, a member of the weekly Lega club, has been breathing politics since he was younger. And, accompanied by his mother, he was able to meet with Matteo Salvini on September 2 in Valenza, on the occasion of the electoral campaign to support Maurizio Oddone’s candidacy for mayor. It was on that occasion that the letter was delivered. A dream come true for Emanuel, evidently hit by the trial that sees his idol accused of kidnapping in a court in Catania on the Gregoretti case. The 42-year-old mother, a committed profession, overheard on the phone, tells of her son’s passion for the Carroccio leader: “He is so in love with him that when Salvini speaks on television he is stuck with his mouth open. Silvia again: «My son has clear ideas, he says that when he grows up he would like to have the same career as Matteo, he says that first there are Italians and then foreigners. And then he follows him everywhere: I am a member of the Settimo club and he has become the mascot.
