The shadow of the crisis hangs over the government. If the Executive seems to have overcome, not without tensions, the obstacle of the vote in the Senate on the reform of the ESM, the same cannot be said of the issue of governance in the Recovery Fund. Italia Viva bets on this delicate issue. Yesterday the parent company in the house Maria Elena Boschi He explained that the possibility of opening the crisis exists and is strong. “I hope not, but I am afraid so. We are not raising the tone, we are: we are facing a very serious fact”Boschi had stated in an interview with Corriere della Sera.
Words of fire that followed those pronounced by the Minister of Agriculture, Teresa Bellanova, during the Cdm that took place on Monday at Palazzo Chigi. “The governance text is unacceptable to us. It excludes ministries and all management structures, including those of the Regions. Attention is paid to structure rather than based on merit”, Bellanova explained that she added how is this “an opaque operation with a rule that presents obvious profiles of constitutionality. If an amendment is to be inserted into the Budget Law, it must be carefully evaluated, because there may be a lack of votes in Parliament “.
In short, on the Recovery Fund Iv would not have intention to sell. A confirmation of this is the warning issued this morning by the Minister of Equal Opportunities, Elena Bonetti. The member of the government, and exponent of the party headed by Matteo Renzi, from the “Breakfast Club” microphones on Radio Capital announced a sensational move:“If the task force does not withdraw, Minister Bellanova and I are ready to resign.” “Being at the service of Italy – he added- collaboration is needed for concrete relaunch projects. But we have to do it with the government. I swore it Constitution Italian, which provides for a democratic process that must be protected. “ That is why Bonetti explained that he was not in a position to respect this oath “even out of personal conscience, yes, I would also be willing to resign ”. The minister noted that the recovery plan “it will define the life of Italians for the next 30 years and it is before Parliament that the government must be held accountable. ” In consideration of this, Bonetti emphasized how the direction of this project “It must be in the hands of the government.” So a resounding no to the Renzian working group.
The statements of the Minister for Equal Opportunities on the governance of the Recovery Fund only exacerbate tensions in the majority of Giallorossi and in the government itself. The Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, during the Agorà program in Rai 3, answering the question about the possible resignation of Bonetti attacked his colleague and Iv: “He will take responsibility for it, like his party. It seems indecent that we talk about political alchemy with the country in this situation.” However, in the event that the conditions to move forward no longer exist, Boccia admits that “the main way is to give back to the Italians the word “.