the block is total –


The Minister of Health Roberto Speranza willing to give the green light to new restrictions, because there are other territories where the level of risk is higher than the national average: If I verify that there is risk, I am not afraid to sign. Today some regions will go from the yellow to the orange zone, a leap that imposes stricter measures on citizens to contain the virus. And although some regions are opposed, South Tyrol chooses to enter the red zone even before government technicians force it to change color. In the last 24 hours, the province of Bolzano registered 781 new cases of 2,998 swabs and four deaths. The situation is very critical, said the president. Arno kompatscher before signing the order.

The severe scenario across the country. The president of the Federation of Medical Orders, Filippo Anelli, calls for even more drastic measures: The situation in a month will be dramatic, a total closure is needed throughout the country. The health system does not hold, soon the yellow areas could be in the same condition as those that are now red: With the current average, in a month we would go further 10 thousand deaths.

In the south, things are not better. The mayor of Palermo Leoluca Orlando wrote to the prime minister Giuseppe Conte: In Sicily we are heading towards an announced massacre. If it is true that there is a lack of oxygen in emergency rooms and that in hospital wards it has begun to choose which patients to try to save and which not, war medicine scenarios are on the horizon. Equally strong is the concern of the mayor of Naples, Luigi of Magistris: Proclaiming the red zone of Campania is an unavoidable decision, or rather a late one.

The level of confrontation remains high between the government and the regions, data is late and often incomplete. It skips the control room that has to examine the numbers and also the meeting of the CTS that must give its opinion before the ordinance for the assignment of the risk band. The protests and controversies do not stop and the Minister of Health warns the governors: It would be a serious crime to give false information. Forza Italia MEP Antonio Tajani, a Europe Point, says he is not convinced of the evaluation on Campania: the center-left regions are opening up and the center-right regions are closing … Economic interests and rights are the same for everyone. Criticisms that the government flatly rejects. The Minister of Regional Affairs Francesco Boccia asks to respect the monitoring system, which has been in operation for 24 weeks and shared: We must believe in the rigor and care of those who represent the data each week. Politics often have to make uncomfortable decisions.

Speranza, interviewed by Lucia Annunziata in Rai3, denies that the ordinances derived from the last Dpcm are conditioned by politics: Little transparency? The data is public. The path shared with the Regions. Then the control room, in which there are three representatives of the territories, crosses and analyzes the data and on that basis Speranza issues the order: I am the Minister of Health and I am not afraid to sign heavy ordinances if it serves the country. noble work, not dirty work. But why did you shoulder the burden of triggering the shutdowns? Speranza clarifies that the signature is shared by the entire government, in full harmony with Prime Minister Conte and the ministers. As to vaccine, The minister is confident that mass distribution will arrive at the end of the first quarter or first quarter of 2021.

November 8, 2020 (change November 8, 2020 | 22:47)

