Maria Rosaria Capobianchi, 67, runs the virology laboratory at the Spallanzani Institute in Rome. A woman who is never seen in television rooms, who does not participate in the confrontations between experts and who, since the beginning of the pandemic, has made a significant contribution to the fight against Covid. Franca, in an interview with Messenger Service, He explains that we will have to live with the virus for a while longer and that vaccines will not be the definitive solution. There is still a long way to go.
“There is no quick way out of the pandemic”
“The only virus that humanity has completely eradicated so far is smallpox. Any prospect of a rapid exit from this pandemic, including the arrival of vaccines, is a consoling hypothesis, “he explains. In Italy, then, there is a population “higher on average” and this inevitably affects “the number of victims” that continues to increase every day, despite the last Dpcm containing Covid.
“The virus takes advantage of every crack to enter”
Actually, a solution to stop the advance of the virus already exists and it is that of the protection measures: «We are not perfect and the virus takes advantage of every crack to infiltrate and reproduce. Of course, if we widen the cracks on our own, as happened this summer, we are forced to start over with the counting of infected, hospitalizations and deaths. We are forced to take measures to drastically limit public life, which are the only realistically feasible remedy, although with a very high social cost ”, he says. And Capobianchi thinks above all of the new forms of poverty that are destined to increase: “Those who do not have money, do not eat well, cannot be treated well, they become more fragile and therefore also more exposed to diseases”.
“How long will the protection guaranteed by the vaccine last?”
Therefore, it will not be the vaccine that will solve all the ills: “There are still no therapies capable of overcoming Covid. To contain it, yes, but not to eliminate it. As for the vaccine, we are very close, but how long will the protection it guarantees last? It is not known, it may need to be withdrawn every year just like for the flu vaccine. Because it is likely that this virus will not be squashed and therefore we will have to deal with it for a long time and several more seasons, as happens with flu waves. So now doctors, veterinarians, sociologists, economists must go out into the field with all their skills, with all their knowledge to “defeat this latest pandemic and guarantee real health in the world.”
Repertoire cover photo: ANSA / CLAUDIO PERI

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