
“The most intense coughing fits are triggered when the debate has arrived Domenico Arcuri, Matteo salvini, Giorgia Meloni me Alessandro Di Battista“. He writes it Daily fact, who made a video that is a kind of cough compilation Giuseppe Conte a Half past eight. The premiere has become the main topic of discussion on the web due to his unenviable state of health: he appeared with slightly bright eyes, repeated cough, hoarse and cold voice. In short, Conte had all the air of someone who took a seasonal illness, but curiously the loudest coughs came every time Lilli Gruber took the talk into somewhat uncomfortable terrain. Like when he mentioned Salvini and Meloni, asking why in ten months he has never sat at a table with them: “I was, I am and I will be available,” he declared after coughing for a long time. The same thing happened shortly after when Gruber named Di Battista in reference to Forza Italia, with the prime minister giving an even louder cough than usual, replying “better keep your distance with a certain language.”
