Beppe Iachini continues to be the coach of FiorentinaToday at 2 in the afternoon he has collected the trust of the property that he has never doubted. In his opinion, there were many alibis that prevented the team from obtaining performances and points. Experienced coach who knows that the missteps both in terms of performance and results are there along the way, especially at the beginning. And it is on these convictions of his that the technician focused on speaking with Rocco Commisso and the management, thanks to the confidence of the very angry president. It is difficult to know if Iachini would still be on the purple bench if the desired alternative had already been ready, but Commisso, it is understood, does not like to change and retrace his steps once he has made the decision.
Beppe Iachini expressed his convictions to the managers, as mentioned that this group has wide room for improvement with work, the only solution you know, and with the group finally complete. Serious injuries (Pezzella, Ribery and Borja Valero in primis), players not yet fit or newcomer and, above all, more than 10 footballers from around the world with their respective national teams they never allowed the coach to work with the whole group and also try new tactical setups. How can you try to change your shape if you train only with Primavera and not with the owners who will then go out to the field? In addition, traveling and traveling with the national team also took away the brilliance of some players, and it is no coincidence that with Spezia there were some too many individual errors.
But Iachini, precisely because you navigate, He knows that trust is not unconditional and for his part he must immediately find a feeling with the team, before it gets more out of hand, and obtain positive results, with decent performances. With Udinese it will be important to have a reaction in the team, which has become too soft to reflect the character of the coach, otherwise it will mean that the “helm” will no longer be able to guide him. There is a lack of game, balance, team spirit, solidity in all departments and determination and this must be found immediately. Ultimately, now it’s up to Beppe to transform those beliefs into reactions (and points) because if Commisso has always labeled contacts with other coaches as fake news (from DDR last season to Sarri now) he knows that where it thunders somewhere it rains and direct contacts whether their leaders always keep them alive or not, even if now they make the best of a bad situation (and only look at the faces from above). On the other hand, even with Montella exactly this happened.
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