
Costanza Cavalli
Yesterday afternoon the cardiology department of the Sacco hospital in Milan, an institute known to the news because it is the home of the infectious disease specialist-Cassandra Massimo galli, was emptied of patients due to a group of COVID-19. Several health workers and hospitalized patients tested positive for swab: including a doctor, twenty nurses, who have very limited or asymptomatic symptoms and are now under health surveillance, and between five and seven patients, who have been transferred to Infectious Diseases . “They are all fine,” hospital sources said. More or less credible information about the origin of the outbreak arrived in the afternoon. Let’s start with the officers: two weeks ago the positivity of a nurse working in cardiology, who had a swab after showing mild flu symptoms. Later they were carried out carpet tests, which revealed the presence of a generalized contagion among various health workers. So explained the medical director of the hospital. Lucia Castellani: “Everything goes back to about fifteen days ago, with one of our employees who had symptoms: we are quite certain that the origin of the infection is outside the hospital because here there is a rigorous use of personal protective equipment, there is respect for the distances and correct clothing. We hope that the cluster can be closed in a few days, “concluded Castellani.

Meanwhile, the department does not accept new patients and those with cardiological diseases are diverted to another hospital in the city, the Fatebenebratelli. Still hospitalized patients undergo continuous smears. At night the controversy broke out: provoke the cluster It may have been the use of non-medical masks provided by the hospital which, in turn, receives them from Lombardy region, leaks from a source. As of Tuesday, Chief Physician Maurizio Viecca would be distributing protective devices to health workers in accordance with the law (thanks to a donation made directly to Sacco) precisely because the masks delivered to the hospital would have the words “not for medical use “. The rumor does not stop there: also in other departments the positivity of some would have arisen Health workers, but one would not have proceeded to one put on screen. It was impossible to communicate with the chief physician: “Contact the health management,” Viecca replied to those who asked for clarification.
After blaming the Region, now a refrain, another possible scenario arrives: one grilled in September that they would participate doctors and nurses. A similar case was registered in the Morelli de Sondalo hospital, in Valtellina, a few days ago: a dozen doctors and nurses from the general medicine ward had positive after attending a party with colleagues. “What happened should serve as a warning about the behaviors that each of us should take,” commented Giuseppina Ardemagni, medical director of Asst Valtellina and Alto Lario. At night – after the outraged and misinformed cry of the exponent of Pd Lia quartapelle: «Fontana and Gallera cannot supply standard masks. There are no words to describe how their infamy is causing our region to sink “- Sacco’s clarification has come: the personal protective equipment used by the structure are Ffp2 and Ffp3 and” have the necessary certifications and validations to protect the operators “.
It is added that the masks have never been missing, that those that “are used are and have always been compliant” and that “they are currently stored for 100mila Ffp2 and 26mila Ffp3“. Regarding screening,” there are defined procedures that identify the actions to be taken in cases where there are positives in the departments. “And as for the load of donated and distributed masks, it seems that the rumor came from someone who confused, according to Sacco, with another donation, which was rejected: “A few days ago the Foundation was rejected donation of antibody tests that do not comply with current legislation.”