
In the year of Covid, the school calendar could be altered until the end: to make up for the missed lessons, in fact, it will be possible to postpone the last day of class, thus staying in class even in the height of summer, and thus help children who, with online lessons and continuous stops, they got into trouble. The hypothesis we are working on is to stay in school until June 30.
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School, all problems
The year began with a thousand problems and the interruptions were many, until the final closure of the face-to-face lessons in high school. Suffice it to say that many schools decided, in September, to start a week or two late: even in primary and secondary school. Many institutes have had to temporarily close for quarantine and disinfection, while others, among high schools, have had to adopt 45-minute lessons to guarantee teacher shifts, but reducing attendance. A calendar and schedule dictated, therefore, by the health emergency. And then it will be the same for the last bell.
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Summer school
The school, in fact, could continue also in the summer period precisely to make up for the school days missed so far and those that could jump from now to next summer. The project, in the hands of the government, has already been proposed to the Regions, since they are the ones that have the competence in the school calendar: “It could be possible – the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, confirmed yesterday in the Aria on Sunday de La7 – We have proposed it to the Regions, because they will have to decide. Of course, we have to think about the structures we have: in August we cannot go to school but in June we can. Classroom lessons have to deal with schools that certainly do not have classroom air conditioning: just think of southern regions like Sicily or Puglia where summer temperatures are very high, to understand that concentration between the banks would fail. Therefore, it would be useless to force children and teachers to study and work in unbearable conditions. That is why it is difficult to go beyond the beginning of July.
Red zone, Italy towards the exit of the confinement: all the orange and yellow Regions. The CTS: now more difficult phase
Hypothesis schools on Saturday
Not only that, to make up for lost school hours, schools could also stay open on Saturdays, the minister said, as is already the case in many institutions, but not on Sundays: it would go against family habits. But in this case the choice to extend the week corresponds to the only school that, autonomously, decides according to needs. But at the national level, the idea is to extend the school year to compensate for the lost lessons, understanding that the Covid emergency allows long-term plans. We will have to start now a confrontation with the Regions and the unions from which, however, a first green light arrives: “I have long proposed to continue throughout the month of June – underlines Pino Turi, secretary of the Uil school – in the face of a danger No matter how great we are living, extraordinary actions are needed: I do not think it is wrong to change the school calendar to regain the true right to study. Classes usually close at the beginning of June, around 10 according to regional calendars, but staff attend school until June 30 – lessons could last until then. However, the same decisions are needed for everyone, then we will also think about the contract renewal and how the role of the teacher is changing in this phase , starting with the distance education tool ».
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Comparison table
The discussion table will also be necessary to understand how the Regions could organize the extension of the lessons in the summer period and identify the concrete needs: “We take into account that – explains Mario Rusconi, president of the National Association of Directors of Rome and Lazio – in June, high school teachers are busy with 8th grade exams, on the school premises, and the same obviously applies to high schools that see teachers and classrooms busy with high school exams even until mid-July. Therefore, it will be necessary to see how many teachers will be available on a voluntary basis and how many additional teachers will be needed, among temporary workers.
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