the average age is 32 years, the outbreaks increase


Increasing outbreaks, as well as daily infections, the rate of Rt contagion increases, while the average age of patients affected by COVID-19 19 he is 32 years old. These are just some of the data contained in the supervision of the Higher Institute of Health (Iss) and the Ministry of Health on the Covid-19 epidemic in Italy, corresponding to the period 24-30 August.

” An increase in new cases reported in Italy is confirmed for the fifth consecutive week, with a cumulative incidence in the last 14 days (August 17-30) of 23.68 per 100,000 inhabitants, increasing from the period 6 to 19 July and levels similar to those observed in early May. In particular, there is a not inconsiderable percentage of imported cases from another Region / Autonomous Province (17.6% in the current week) ”.

Coronavirus in Italy, what is the average age?

The average age of new Covid-19 cases in Italy is increasing, albeit slightly. Based on follow-up data for the period August 24-30, the mean age of diagnosed cases is 32 years, a slight increase from last week, when he was 29 years old. In fact, the report recalls how the circulation of Sars-CoV-2 occurs today “more frequently in younger age groups, in a context of advanced reopening of commercial activities (including meeting places) and greater mobility” . The follow-up also confirms “the change in transmission dynamics (with the appearance of cases and outbreaks associated with recreational activities both in Italy and abroad) observed in the previous weeks”.

Coronavirus, the national contagion index rises to 1.8

“The National Transmission Index Rt – Explanation of topic and ministry – calculated on symptomatic cases and referred to the period 13-26 August, it is equal to 1.18 (95% confidence interval 0.86-1.43). This indicates that, net of asymptomatic cases identified by screening / contact tracing and imported cases from foreign countries (categories not mutually exclusive), there has been an increase in the number of symptomatic cases contracted locally and diagnosed in our country “.

“However, the national transmission index must be interpreted with caution at this particular moment of the epidemic – the report reiterates – In fact, the RT calculated on symptomatic cases, while remaining the most reliable indicator at the regional level and comparable in the time for the Monitoring of transmissibility, could slightly underestimate the actual transmission of the virus at the national level. Therefore, the national TR must always be interpreted taking into account the incidence data ”.

Coronavirus, outbreaks in Italy

In the follow-up week of August 24-30, they generally reported 1,799 sprouts active of which 649 new, both increasing for the fifth consecutive week (1,374 active outbreaks were reported in the previous follow-up week, of which 490 new). “This entails,” the report reads, “an increasing commitment by local services in the search for contacts who have so far managed to contain local transmission of the virus.”

Coronavirus, cases increase in 13 regions

In the week from August 24 to 30, they were 13 he Regions and the Province autonomous who reported an increase in the number of cases diagnosed during the previous week. “In almost all the Regions and Autonomous Provinces – it reads – a high number of new cases continues to be reported and a substantially increasing trend has been observed for several weeks. This should call for caution – the report reads – since it shows that in the country, the circulation of Sars-CoV-2 is increasingly significant ”. Although an initial increase in the number of hospitalizations is reported in almost all Regions, in none of the Regions / Ppaa – the report reassures – have signs of overload of health care services been identified. In addition, the important and growing commitment of local services (Prevention Departments) to ensure that current outbreaks are identified and investigated promptly is confirmed.

Coronavirus, the report: “Italy in a phase of progressive deterioration”

“Italy is in an epidemiological phase of transition at the moment progressive deterioration. Also this week there is a generalized transmission of the virus throughout the national territory, which causes outbreaks even of considerable size and often associated with recreational activities that involve social gatherings and violations of the rules of physical distancing both in the national territory and in the Exterior. Therefore, we are witnessing the subsequent importation of cases and a greater local transmission, even when returning after the holidays ”. This concludes the analysis of the monitoring of the Higher Institute of Health (ISS) and the Ministry of Health on the Covid epidemic. -19 in Italy, corresponding to the period 24-30 August

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“The number of new cases of infection is still generally lower than in other European countries – we read – but with an increase of 5 consecutive weeks. Compliance with the prevention and quarantine measures recommended by the health authorities remains a crucial element and unavoidable to counteract the spread of the infection “, recommend the ministry and the ISS. “On the other hand,” they note, “the increase in diagnostic supply capacities must be accompanied by the strengthening of territorial services for case investigation and contact management, including the quarantine of close contacts and the immediate isolation of secondary cases. Reducing the time between the onset of contagion and isolation continues to be a fundamental element to control the spread of the infection ”.
